i feel like such a crazy (and maybe i am). i have lost count of the number of times i've called to talk with a nurse at the ped's office. it's like i'm convinced there's something wrong with my baby.
but seriously....since she's been born caroline has not been one to cry or fuss. like ever. and if she does, it's more of a grunting noise. so maybe i'm just spoiled and not used to a fussy baby, but ever since last night she has not been happy.
here's what's going on....at first last night i thought she was just extra hungry and wanted to eat a little early - but that ended in projectile vomit all over myself.
i know babies can spit up a lot, but it doesn't matter how long she's eaten (minutes or hours)...if i lay her on her back she will spit up.
this morning she was unhappy in her swing or with anyway i held her. i felt like she was using her legs to push off of me and/or slightly arch her back.
i've always noticed that she sounds very congested/wheezy when i lay her down after eating. i know i'm not making this sign up b/c dh also commented on it. she sounds like she's having a hard time breathing or with something and is very uncomfortable.
she did have a bad diaper rash this week, where her bottom had welts that were bleeding - but my guess for those is that it was the diapers (we were using pampers, but i switched to generic and her bum has gotten much better).
when i called and talked to the nurse the only thing she told me was to make sure and burp her 1/2 way thru the bottle and then keep her upright 15-20 min after the feeding (which i was already doing).
so i guess my question is....wwyd? am i just being over paranoid? i know she's eating the approrpriate amount of food and i don't doubt that she's gaining weight. i just don't like seeing her uncomfortable. and if it's something that can be fixed, i'd like to do that. i just don't know what!
Re: reflux/formula question (long...sry)
A was like that: Arching back, congested sounding, projectile vomit after laying down. It got so bad they finally put him on Zantac. Since then he's been a super happy baby with no symptoms (unless the dosage needs upped).
Good luck
If I were you, I would just schedule an appointment with the pedi and see what they say. If they think it's reflux, they can put your LO on a prescription or give you a little more peace of mind!
I would definitely make an appointment with the pedi. It would not hurt to have her checked out. DD had reflux and Prevacid made things a million times better. It could possibly be the formula. Are you using the same formula as before? Your pedi may want you to change to a lactose-free or broken-down protein formula.
Alos, projectile spit-up can be normal in some kiddos. Is it spit-up or actually vomit? (And one of my nurse friends told me this - it may only be a tablespoon of puke coming up, but a tablespoon looks like a lot when it's all over you or a shirt or the wall...)
That sounds a lot like Connor, which was much different thatn Jocelyn. I too was convinced that something was wrong with him but felt slightly crazy trying to figure out if it was normal or not. I had several talks with the pediatrician including MD-to-mom and more academic discussions as MD-to-MD. He is admittedly old school and low intervention, which generally I like, and his philosophy made sense to me. He agreed that Connor had reflux based on what I told him. So do a large percent of infants. But, he felt like the medical community has pathologized what is essentially a normal process in the majority of those kids (sure, in some kids it's excessive and can lead to FFT). So lots of kids get put on meds which usually improves their symptoms and parents and baby are happier. But, he feels that overall this has led to a greater incidence of respiratory issues. He reasoned that the reflux of gastric acid into the esophagus helps kill bacteria that otherwise gets into the lungs as babies naturally aspirate some food when they eat before they have good control over the swallow-suck-breathe thing. When kids are on meds that get rid of the acid, they lose this protection and can become more susceptible to respiratory illnesses.
From a scientific standpoint, this made perfect sense to me. Kids (and their parents) have survived and thrived for thousands of years without reflux meds. Did I still want them though? Yep. But in the end I deferred and we survived. I think it's important to talk things over with your pediatrician and figure out if Caroline is having a normal amount of reflux or if it's excessive. Connor was SO colicky and I was desperate for something that would relieve his crying. Maybe reflux meds would have made our first several months easier. They probably would have, but I don't think he NEEDED them. If put in the same situation again, I might have done something different though...
Eh, now I'm rambling. Talk to your pediatrician and get his or her philosophy. Weigh the risks and benefits (and yes, your sanity counts). Remember than in the vast majority of cases whether you decided on meds or not, she will eventually outgrow the reflux. Connor still projectile vomits maybe once or twice per week, but it's mostly a "laundry problem", as they say. There is a light way down that tunnel!