
Re: Excited

  • Yes, I did. And DH watched with me. He *loves* Victory.  Thinks she's SO hot.

    I said, that's can have Victory while I'm out with Kirby.

  • Nico looked bad.  no curly hair for her.  no close ups for any of them.  high definition kills me.  s asked me why everyone was having sex and we weren't.  I said they are not married.  then they showed brooke shields sleeping next to her h and I said see they are married.  lol  he was like are you saying that if we got divorced we would have more sex.  I said yes, but not with each other. lol
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  • LOL, too funny.  I know, I watched in high def too...can't look too close.  Sometimes I think Nico looks really pretty, sometimes not so much.
  • she looked scary at the party and scary with curls.  she is too thin.  sometimes I watch on the regular channel b/c I get literally sick if I see them up close in all their real "beauty."  I dvr yr on a regular channel and s always says that I am the only nut who would do that.
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