
Another repeat c/s or vbac question...

When I had DS 3.5 years ago, I was induced, in labor for about 24 hours, dilated just fine, and pushed for 4 hours - he never descended at all.  Not even past -1.  I ended up with a c-section.  I had well-controlled blood sugars with gestational diabetes, but DS was still a 9 lb, 15 oz baby.  My c-section experience was ok, but not great - I was utterly exhausted, felt really crummy and nauseous for the first couple of days, and don't remember much from the hospital.  Probably more from the exhaustion than anything else.  I remember recovery being slowgoing, and not feeling really back to anything approaching normal until about 8 weeks out.

 This time around, I'm about 23 weeks pg with a baby girl, and I'm trying to decide if I want to try for a vbac, or schedule a repeat c/s.  My old midwife and OB both said "you can try for a vbac, but I'd recommend a repeat c/s."  I really don't want a repeat of my last "full service" birth experience, where I get to labor, push, and THEN go to a c/s.  I'm kind of anxious about it either way.  Especially with DS at home to take care of, I don't want to be completely knocked out for weeks on end due to either a failed vbac, or a rough c/s recovery. It doesn't look like I have gestational diabetes this time around, and DD is measuring right on track.  (But FWIW, they thought DS was a 7.5-8 lb baby too.) 

 Does anyone have any advice for me?  I feel like I'm not getting much candid help from my doc on this one.

Re: Another repeat c/s or vbac question...

  • I can tell you that a scheduled C-section isn't bad at all. I'm about to have my 3rd scheduled...  4th total!

    With my first, I did like you and labored, pushed and eventually ended up with a section.  I decided that was enough of a " natural" experience for me and went forward with scheduling my next births.

    With a scheduled c-section you go in rested, things are calm, you're recovery ( in my case) was easier being that I didn't have to labor and push.  Your belly will be sore like it was before, but seriously its not that bad!

    I know plenty of women who do have successful VBAC, but I wasn't willing to take the chance of laboring, pushing and ending up with a section anyway.

    I hope you find peace with your decision!  Good Luck

  • I don't think I would ever opt for a surgery unless it was truly necessary.  If we have another baby I'll attempt a VBAC.
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  • I wouldn't opt for surgery, but I'm not a candidate for a VBAC
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  • Only you can decide what's right for you.  For me, I knew that I wanted to try a VBAC.  My first c/s was scheduled because DS1 was breech.  I wound up having an unplanned c/s with DS2 after 20 hours of labor.  I can tell you that I was worried about caring for DS1 after having a c/s.  He turned 2 just days after DS2 arrived.  I had no major issues with his care at all.  I felt 95% about 5 days after my c/s.  With DS1, my recovery was pretty good, but it still took a couple weeks to feel 95%.

    Good luck with your decision.

  • imagepepomntpat:
    I don't think I would ever opt for a surgery unless it was truly necessary.  If we have another baby I'll attempt a VBAC.

    This. I am pregnant again, and am going for the VBAC.

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  • I had a similar experience with my first child and I was also afraid of laboring and pushing, just to end up with a c/s again.  I had to weigh that risk with the chance that I would always regret not trying and never having a vaginal birth.  I decided I would rather take the risk of another unplanned c/s, and I ended up having an easy VBAC that was night and day from my first delivery.  But I completely understand why many people would rather schedule a c/s.  It just depends on what you feel most comfortable with.

    GL with whatever you decide. 


    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

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  • I'm going for a scheduled c-section.  My c-section experience the first time around wasn't terrible.  I was induced and labored for 18 hours and then ended up in a c-section due to only dilating to 4cm after all that time. 

    To be honest, I know what I'm in for with a c-section...I don't with VBAC and I really, really have no interest in being in labor for hours and hours and then ending up where I could've started out.  Just my opinion.  

    More power to the ladies who VBAC...my Mom was one of them (twice)...but it's not for me.  And only you can decide.

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  • If I have another baby in the future I would like to try for a VBAC because I so wanted to have my daughter naturally, but things did not work out well. I didn't have to go through the pushing stage because I wouldn't dilate past 3 cm. My problem was I was 5 days late and the morning I was supposed to go in for the induction my water started leaking around 2 am. So I went in and my cervix wasn't ripe and they hooked me to monitors and let me sit there until 9 am when they started me on Pitocin, when my cervix still wasn't ripe. In the end, I was having non-productive contraction on top of non-productive contraction. I wouldn't dilate and I was having intense pain from where my daughter's head was being pushed into my not-soft cervix. I feel robbed of having a natural birth because I let the doctors do what they wanted instead of standing my ground and telling them I wasn't going to be induced that way. I just didn't know enough at the time and think that I may be able to handle things better next time.

    BUT, then again, the c-section wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be and I can definitely see the benefit of having one next time too. Not having to go through all the pain of labor and delivery and knowing when the baby will come instead of sitting around guessing. It would kinda be easier to have another c-section.

    Ultimately, I guess it is really up to you. If the doctors have a medical reason they think you shouldn't try for a VBAC then definitely weigh that in to your decision. But, as I can tell you, the doctors don't always have the right answers.

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  • imagemaddie80:

    When I had DS 3.5 years ago, I was induced, in labor for about 24 hours, dilated just fine, and pushed for 4 hours - he never descended at all.  Not even past -1.  I ended up with a c-section.  I had well-controlled blood sugars with gestational diabetes, but DS was still a 9 lb, 15 oz baby.  My c-section experience was ok, but not great - I was utterly exhausted, felt really crummy and nauseous for the first couple of days, and don't remember much from the hospital.  Probably more from the exhaustion than anything else.  I remember recovery being slowgoing, and not feeling really back to anything approaching normal until about 8 weeks out.

     This time around, I'm about 23 weeks pg with a baby girl, and I'm trying to decide if I want to try for a vbac, or schedule a repeat c/s.  My old midwife and OB both said "you can try for a vbac, but I'd recommend a repeat c/s."  I really don't want a repeat of my last "full service" birth experience, where I get to labor, push, and THEN go to a c/s.  I'm kind of anxious about it either way.  Especially with DS at home to take care of, I don't want to be completely knocked out for weeks on end due to either a failed vbac, or a rough c/s recovery. It doesn't look like I have gestational diabetes this time around, and DD is measuring right on track.  (But FWIW, they thought DS was a 7.5-8 lb baby too.) 

     Does anyone have any advice for me?  I feel like I'm not getting much candid help from my doc on this one.

    This is the exact reason I chose to do a repeat c/s. I didn't want to go through that experience again. B ended up being breech so I would've had to have one anyway, but it was a totally different experience than the first one. It was so much easier!

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  • I had a very similar experience to yours, except I did not have GD according to my test and still had a big baby DD was 9 pounds 6 ounces. I am currently 6 weeks and I am struggling with what to do. I do not want to have to go through it all again to end up with another emergency c/s where I am put under and miss my child's birth. I terrifies me. I also worry about having multiple c/s as well since we would like 4 children.

    FWIW my doctor said what your providers said, I could try for a VBAC, but would he'd recommend a c/s. Especially with my fear of going through it again and missing my child's birth.

  • Thanks, ladies - this is all really helpful.  I'd love to hear even more stories and feedback.  It's such a tough issue!
  • If you like hearing stories, here's mine for what it's worth.  Like others, i was induced at 40 weeks, 5 days with my DD.  Induction was 36 hours, water broke on it's own about 24 hours in, even with highest levels of pit, never dilated past 3.  C/S and had a 9'11" ounce little girl to everyone's surprise (no GD).  I really wanted to VBAC the second time and my dr. said she was up for giving it a try but that the dr. from the first delivery said basically my cervix was like a really tight ruberband that wouldn't/couldn't expand so she wasn't optimistic.  I kept hoping that I'd just go into labor but that didn't happen.  The did a growth ultrasound at 38 weeks and estimated DS at 8'10.  Still hoped for labor but it didn't happen.  Scheduled c/s at 39 weeks, 5 days.  He was weight 8'14".  I sometimes wish I had held out a little longer but my dr. strongly advised scheduling it based on my history and the estimated size.  I have a little regret about that but I will say, like everyone else, scheduled c/s so much better than the c/s post failed induction.  I think induction/labor is so hard on your body and then following that up with surgery is a lot.  Good luck!
  • imagemaddie80:
    Thanks, ladies - this is all really helpful.  I'd love to hear even more stories and feedback.  It's such a tough issue!

    If you want to read some VBAC birth stories or ask some questions, please feel free to come over to the VBAC board! 


    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

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  • My daughter was born via c-section 2 years ago. I was never in labor, she simply stopped moving and wasn't responding other than a hb. Went right in for the c-section. Turns out the cord had been wrapped around her body multiple times and she would not have survived labor or delivery. 

    I am 11 wks preg with my second child and am almost completely decided on a repeat c-section. But, the decision might be a bit easier for me to make since I have never experienced labor. I would rather stick with what I know from my first delivery than deal with the risks of a VBAC. And honestly, I don't ever want to be in labor or deliver a baby vaginally. My recovery pains were horrendous (maybe because I had not been in labor prior to surgery), but either way there will be horrendous pain somewhere on my body. But, that's what I believe is right for me. You have to weigh the pros & cons and make the choice that's right for you.

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