May 2011 Moms

Baby not wanting to nap..

Is anybody else's baby not wanting to nap? Eli is sooo tired & cranky, but refuses to take a nap! I tried rocking him, he just kicks and squirms..I tried to just laying him down, he just starts crying..the only time he actually falls asleep is when he is eating! ...Help?!
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Re: Baby not wanting to nap..

  • Mine!  I have no help but let me know if you find any good ideas.  For my son he's a super light sleeper and I get him to sleep and as soon as I put him down he wakes up and cries.  He sleeps in his crib at night and has just recently started going from drowsy to sleep himself but for some reason we really struggle during the day and he's also tired and miserable!
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  • Mine has been like this for over a month and then for the past week he all the sudden taking one long nap a day and today he took 2, over an hour and a half each! Everyone kept saying he'll just flip a switch one day soon and I'm starting to think they're right.


    The best advice I read on the topic was, no matter what you do...rock them, let them take short naps, try and extend their naps with the swing, rock them in the middle etc. etc. etc. one day they will just transition themselves. So, don't stress too much about it 


    Who knows if it's true but it has helped me to remain calm!

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  • Eli is also a very very light sleeper..I have to wait about 45min till he is in a deep sleep to lay him down or he will just wake up...& now he knows how to stand up when I'm trying to rock him, soooo that's his new thing to do! And he doesn't want anybody else rocking him except me! And that gets very frustrating!... I mean it's a good thing at night time that he doesn't nap that long during the day b/c he will sleep from 8:30pm-6:30am! So I know I shouldn't be complaining! 
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