
Leaving work...

Anyone else feel guilty about leaving work? I am having this major break down about it. I am 29 weeks pregnant with mo/di twin boys, and a Type I diabetic. I work in the hospital as an RN on an oncology floor and it is just getting to be too much. I work an 8 hour shift, and it takes me 2 days to recover! My Dr said to tell her as soon as I feel like I cant do it anymore, but I am having major guilt about it (and only having one income until I go back!!)
I did call about getting taken out of work today, and I have an appt on Thurs. I also called off from work for tomorrow- but it took me an hour to make the phone call because I kept going back and forth about it :(
When did you ladies stop work? Was it because you got pulled, or because you couldnt keep up? What kind of work is too much? (I feel like my job is just too physically and emotionally demanding at this point)....
Thanks in advance for any help and words of encouragement!
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Re: Leaving work...

  • I left work at 27 weeks due to being put on hospital bedrest. I had been having trouble for weeks prior to that (I was working part time and going to school full time). Granted I work in a retail pharmacy, so I guess I was being a baby about it, but my bp was starting to rise and it was especially high during my shifts because I wasn't able to sit down, eat anything or go to the restroom. I asked my OB to take me off work, but she refused. Then I got admitted to the hospital and never left until D-Day. There's definitely a part of me that believes I could have gotten by with at-home bedrest rather than hospital bedrest for a portion of that time if I had been taken off work earlier. Please, for the sake of your boys, stop working and don't feel guilty. There are plenty of other RNs that can do you job and cover your shifts. They might not like it, but it can be done. You are the ONLY person who can grow your babies. If work is getting to hard for you, it's not helping the boys for you to continue. Your body is telling you to slow down and if your OB will pull you from work at this point, I would take advantage of it. GL with your decision, I know it's a rough one to make (especially with the loss of income and twins on the way!). I know you'll make the best decision for you and your family :)
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  • I worked until 35 weeks because it was our busy time of year in the Legislature and felt guilty about leaving before it was over.  By then, I could barely walk and the 45 minute ride to the office was torture.  I had the babies a week later.   For the most part I had a desk job but there was a lot of running to meetings it was really hard on my body.   I can't imagine having a physically demanding job.  If you feel you have had enough, then I would stop.  It's more important to keep those babies cooking as long as possible. 
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  • Don't feel guilty. It's only a job, and you only get ONE chance to carry these babies.
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  • I know exactly how you feel, it's tough but the babies are what take priority at this point.  You have made it to 29 weeks and that is further than I made it (in my case I got taken off at 24 weeks for PTL/cervix issues - I work as a Speech Therapist in a HUGE hospital and there was no way that I could a) walk all over the hospital or b) stand at patient's bedsides to do swallow assessments so my OB said it was time for "modified bedrest").

    I know it seems like you have a while before those babies arrive, but it goes by pretty quickly so try to take care of yourself and bake those little ones as long as you can.  When I was on hospital bedrest (whole 'nother story) a nurse told me that for each day those babies are inside cooking, it saves 2 days of having to stay in the NICU.


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  • imagepea-kay:
    Don't feel guilty. It's only a job, and you only get ONE chance to carry these babies.

    This is how I felt.

    As it turned out, I got laid off when I was on maternity leave, so I REALLY didn't care then that I had left work early. 

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  • I'm not off work yet (I sit at my desk all day and my job isn't super stressful), but I have scaled back. I'm taking all Mondays off until November and I'm working from home every Friday, so I'm only in the office 3 days a week. In November (if I haven't delivered by then), I'm just going to work from home full time (or get taken out, depending on how I'm doing then). The point is, like everyone has said, you have to do what's right for you. Standing up for me right now (especially for anything longer than, oh, 5 minutes) is torture, and I think at your stage I was really starting to slow down as far as standing/walking was going. I couldn't imagine being a nurse full-time! You've done a great job so far, and in order to keep doing a great job you need to listen to your body.

    If it helps you, see if you can scale down first, then ease into full time leave. You could scale back for two weeks, even, then go out. That will help you prepare for the financial aspect as well as help you see that you're not ditching your job, that other people can and will fill in as needed.

    Good luck!

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  • I feel ya!!  I am a week behind you and have been off of work almost 7 weeks.  We moved from Ohio to North Carolina for my husband's job. I am also a RN (in the OR) so we decided it was kinda pointless to get a new job here-just to go on maternity leave in 12 weeks or so. Plus I already looked very pregnant, and I just figured I would have a hard time finding a job, looking like I was 8 months pregnant already :)

    When we first moved-I was so busy house hunting and getting my acquainted with the area i didn't feel so bad.  But now my son is in part time preschool and I take it easy most days.  I honestly am not sure how you have worked full time as an RN up until now!  You must be on your feet all of the time--I get wore out walking around the mall at this point!


    I just try to tell myself to not feel so guilty. This is the calm before the storm- In a  months your life will never be the same. This is the last time you can take a nap when you want to for a while:) 


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  • don't feel guilty!  You are doing what you have to in order to deliver healthy babies.  You made it this long and I think that is great!  Stay home and enjoy the rest while you can!  I know that everyone tells you this, but, enjoy the time and sleep as much as you can because it's never the same!
  • DON'T feel bad. You'll feel a lot worse if you go into preterm labor. I'm a pediatrician (also was on my feet all day) and had to stop working at 26 weeks b/c of regular BH contractions and was admitted to the hospital overnight so stop the ctx. I'm now almost 34 weeks on sort of modified BR and its the only way I'd have made it this far. Also I'm so exhausted all the time I can barely do anything but watch TV and nap, I can't imagine working past 30 weeks or so carrying twins, no matter what job!!! QUIT WORK NOW!!!!


    Spontaneous twin boy expected in November 2011!!!
  • I left work at 28wks and felt guilty for about 2wks. My OB said 28wks is pretty avg for women to throw in the towel or be told to by OB. I guess my timing worked out lol I just couldn't phsyically do my job any longer, I couldn't reach, bend to the floor ect I haven't spent many days doing nothing since leaving though. Plenty to do to get ready for LOs and keep up with house & chores since my energy isn't as high now just cleaning the bathrooms is enough for one days work now lol

    don't feel guilty, your main job now is to keep those LOs cooking as long as you can and rest up, enjoy YOUR time now since it is soon to be over :) 

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  • Id say your about right with timing, esp because of your job!  Being an RN is a lot on your body!  I got taken out of work at 28 weeks for PTL.  At 28 weeks I thought I felt 29-30 weeks, there was no way I could have kept working!  I am a teacher, so Im on my feet lots too.  Id say not as much as you though!  :)


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