
Hospital Bag question

I am new to this board, as I just found out yesterday that I'm going to be having a scheduled c/s, probably this week or early next. So if this has been asked a thousand times, I'm sorry!

Is there anything different/extra that I need to pack in my hospital bag for a c/s as opposed to a vaginal birth? I'm going to go through my bags and take out anything unnecessary now that it's actually planned, but I want to add things that would be helpful/necessary for a c/s. I'm freaking out a little bit, because this was not expected, so any help is appreciated! Thank you.

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Re: Hospital Bag question

  • I had a emergency c/s and had everything on their checklist, thats all you need. You wont be able to walk for a bit anyway soo they do everything for you.
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  • I had DH go home and get our boppy pillow. It made holding him and BFing easier for me then using the hospital pillow that I had to constantly readjust. Make sure your clothes are lose and won't interfere with where your incision is also.
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  • pack clothes for  when you go home to be loose and high waisted. same with your underwear.
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  • I agree, the hospital pillows were flat and annoying. I would have liked more supportive pillows to help with breastfeeding or a boppy. I had an unplanned c-section and packed only yoga/sweat pants with tops for the hospital. it was fine to change into but my pants hit right about where my incision was at. I wish I would have had a nursing nightgown for the first day at least. 
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  • Extra clothes b/c you'll be there longer.  I preferred lounging pants and nursing tanks after the first day.  I wore the webbed hospital undies for a good week after my c/s, they were just easier for me.  If you're going to BF, bring a boppy, soothies and lanisoh since you'll be there for awhile and won't be able to run out to get them if you need them.  I also brought my own pillow.  I brought some sleepers for DD, too. 
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
  • I only had to have DH go get some granny panties. 

    I had everything else I needed.  I wore maternity clothes home.

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  • I would definitely have some loose fitting pants and some high waisted loose (think size or two bigger) granny panties.
    *BFP 11/3/07*J born 07/06/08*
    *BFP 10/15/11*CP 10/18/11*
    *BFP 2/1/12*EDD 10/14/12*natural M/C 2/24/12 7w*
    *BFP 5/2/12*E born 01/03/13 (her due date)
  • Thank you ladies! This is very helpful.
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  • Another vote for granny panties. I had packed bikinis, but ended up with a c/s, so they sat right at my incision. My parents came to visit us in the hospital and I got her to pick some up on the way.
  • imagemanda26:
    I had DH go home and get our boppy pillow. It made holding him and BFing easier for me then using the hospital pillow that I had to constantly readjust. Make sure your clothes are lose and won't interfere with where your incision is also.

    agree with all of this for sure!!

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  • First, please don't freak out. A C can be a very good experience, especially for you since you'll be rested and strong when you come out of surgery.

    As PPs have said, you will feel very tender from hipbone to hipbone for a little while. Buy undies that are extra big so the waist won't rub. I also liked to stick a pad on the belly part of my undies so the pad part rested on my incision. This meant my undies didn't stick to the oozy of my incision.

    You'll be expected to pass gas before they let you eat. I was glad to have my robe and slippers because if I didn't walk to get some gas moving, I never would have eaten real food again and I hate broth.

    Also, prepare your husband that you won't be able to lift anything heavier than the baby for weeks - this includes the car seat, the suitcase, a laundry basket, anything.

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