So we attended a monthy support group for adoption last night for the first time. I wasn't sure what to expect but I spoke with the head lady on the phone and she said we should we did. All of the other people in the room had already been through the Foster/Adoption process.
We get there and sit down and and DH looks up and recognizes one of the guys there. It was his old highschool friend and college room-mate Then I look over and recognize my old highschool teacher OMG! We know 1/4 of the people in the room.
So the actual meeting wasn't really that helpful....but we were able to hear some experiences which was great! But the best part is that my DH's old friend had used the adoption agency that I was currently researching and had nothing but good things to say about them. Which is great b/c it's about 1 1/2 hrs from our it's nice to know that they were well liked before we make the trek down there for a day And DH's friend got my email to send me all the info they have and we talked about getting together for dinner soon.
It was SO nice to have someone to relate with. As all of our friends are working on baby's # 2 and #3 and have not had any problems with fertility or miscarriages, it was so nice to find someone we can talk to. And they had a fantastic experience with adoption....which I know will go a long way for DH to hear
I just wanted to share my good experience at the support group since I was kinda nervous about going
Re: So glad we went to a support group!
That sounds awesome! One of my BF's was going through IF treatments the same time I was. It was so nice to have someone "real" that could relate to me.
Everyone has been super supportive of our plan to adopt, but no one has actually done it.