Yes the teacher did throw out her lunch BUT thats because Michelle's juicebox somehow got crushed & exploded. It leaked into the rest of her lunch a huge soggy mess.
She felt bad that she didnt email me or sent a note. She wasnt on the defensive at all and in fact thought Michelle's version was rather typical for a 5 yr old. She also said if I ever need clarification or have questions dont hesitate to send her an email.
So its all good.
Re: Michelle's thrown out lunch update
she wasn't defensive because she was being professional. but that doesn't mean she didn't roll her eyes at the letter like most of us did reading it.
glad you got an answer that made sense.
sbdc, we apparently share a brain and were thinking the exact same
LOL; great minds....
I can see where you would be a little upset that her lunch got thrown away. I understand how frusterating it can be to feed picky eaters because I have 2 of them.
However. if DS had told me his teacher had thrown his lunch away and got him a hot lunch, it would have never even crossed my mind to get upset about it. I would just be curious about what happened and mention it to her when I dropped him off the next day.
Too bad that you have to start out the school year on such a bad foot.;( First impressions mean a lot! Its tough being a mom because you always want to look out for your kid but I try to save the dramatics for situations that warrant them...
Ditto ;o)
I am so glad you got a very reasonable response. Hopefully, this all lead to you being able to share with the teacher about Michelle being a very picky eater. Any time you can communicate and come to understandings with your child's teacher (whether it be an email or face to face at drop off -and honestly there is not a lot of time for face to face at drop off) is worthwhile for everyone involved.
As far as the teacher being hugely offended by your email, I'm sure she doesn't have a great deal of time to worry too much about your use of the word crappy. I'm sure that, unfortunately, in the realm of parent contact, your email was mild.
It sounds like your DD has a good K teacher
And for the love of all that is the nest, never ever ever use the word crappy with the teacher :P no matter how crappy the lunch is.
I kind of agree with this. Maybe the wording wasn't that great, but I don't think you attacked the teacher. I'm glad it got all worked out and the next time the teacher sees a "crappy" lunch that Michelle has, she'll know why.
I don know that I don't send the best things for ds in his lunch, but, if you look at what his snack is for the day with his lunch, it's not that bad. He does eat a really good breakfast before school, and we usually have a pretty healthy dinner, so for the 3 days a week that he's in school if he's having a so so lunch, no biggie.
And IMO, if a teacher will label someone "that mom" after one situation, I would think she/he is jumping to conclusions pretty quickly and would make me wonder about their character.
I agree with this!
After the replies here, I had to go back and see this email you sent.
IMHO, I didn't find it rude at all. I think so many people who are saying it's rude decided to overlook a certain part of the email:
"Michelle told me that you dumped her lunch that was inside her lunchbox & had her got hot lunch from school which she really didn?t like. I tried to get a straight answer out of her but its quite impossible. Can you tell me what happen?"
In your email, you acknowledged that you did not 100% trust the answer of your 5 yr old so you were emailing her for clarification. Rude would have been "Michelle told me that you dumped her lunch. Can you tell me why you did that?" THAT'S accusing...your email wasn't.
And the use of the word crappy was no big deal b/c you were describing a lunch that YOU packed. No need for the teacher to take offense to that.
And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011
FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility!
I agree. I didn't understand the big fuss about the original letter either. It sounds like the teacher understood what you were asking and wasn't offended. Glad things turned out okay.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13