My DD got 2 new pairs of sneakers this summer. One is a pink/silver Carters pair, and they are basically already trashed from going outside in them. If the grass is wet or we go to the orchard or playground, etc., that is what she wears. In under 2 months, they are getting to the point they are starting to look pretty gross.
She also has white (Dora) sneakers, which i am hesitant for her to wear unless it is a rainy day and I know the kids will stay inside at school.
Any suggestions for sneakers or something similar/better that will hold up well? The kids are required to wear sneakers for the playground/gym (which I wholeheartedly agree with), but I'm wondering if I should spend more on something else (like a more rugged pair of Keens or Merrells or something), so we get more than 2 months out of a pair.
Re: Sneakers (for school/etc)
These are washable and hold up really well. We have the same brand for DS and we love them.
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A friend of mine told me about Sear's KidVantage program. It is free to join and apparently if something you purchase falls apart before DC outgrows it they will replace it for free, obviously with the same size. I have not used it yet as we just purchased DD new shoes but my friend just exchanged her 6 year old son's sneakers. Might be worth a try if these are shoes that are going to get a lot of use.
We get DD1 Saucony shoes from our local Stride Rite outlet.
They hold up really well; I have occasionally washed them when they're particularly dirty, with no issues.
DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010
My DD HATES sneakers so I have become a fan of shoes like these from Stride Rite. They seem to hold up well and I can throw them in the washer and then air dry with no problems.
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO