My 3 y/o DD is usually a pretty compliant, happy child. She is the kid who gets a shot at the pedi office and calmly looks at it and says, "Now I get a sticker?" right after, no tears.
We just got back from her 2nd visit to the pediatric dentist and there could not be more drama. I mean SCREAMING. All they did was count her teeth and attempt a cleaning...and they were friendly and gentle. She started off ok, then all of a sudden she didn't want to open her mouth. She even screamed herself into throwing up!
I was so embarrassed. We prepped her for it ahead of time and talked it up. The first visit she screamed from the waiting room on least this time, she was ok for the first 5 minutes.
I was happy w/ the dentist and the hygienist - felt like they did a good job, so not inclined to switch...
Any advice?
Re: Need advice re: pediatric dentist
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Griffin did GREAT the first time he went to the dentist - i'm talking perfect... the 2nd time he cried and freaked out- which is so NOT like him at all ....
i'd say it's normal
I think this is something that will probably get better with time. Since dental cleanings are every 6 months, I believe your daughter will get to a point where she becomes more and more comfortable with each visit. It may require you to do a little reminding since the visits are spaced so far apart.
DD's dentist is a friend of mine from high school and at her practice they take the kids to the back by themselves and it works wonderfully well with my daughter because she likes to be a "grown up". But we also prepared her by telling her what what happen on her visit and we also bought a book--it's a Little Critter book called "Little Critter Goes To The Dentist" (I think). She loves the book and we read it all the time. Since she's a great patient at the doctor's office, you also may try pointing out to her the similarities between her doctor and the dentist--they both take care of our bodies except the dentist only looks at your teeth, the dentist chair is similar to the table you sit on at the doctor, the hygienist who cleans your teeth is just like the nurse who gives you a shot at the doctor--anything you can say to calm her down and keep her anxiety low. And hopefully in no time, she'll be handling the dentist like a pro!