Cloth Diapering

Velcro and Washing

Wow. I just washed our first load ever of cloth diapers. (Prepped them).  The velcro is a mess.  I had them open because I figured that when they were messy--you would want them that way. Am I wrong?  Is there a trick?


Also--I am assuming that you pull the insert out of a pocket dipe before putting it in the bag.  

Re: Velcro and Washing

  • do they have laundry tabs to fold down? I sometimes forget to fold them myself and they stick over everything!
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  • If they have laundry tabs, use thoes.

    If they don't, you can hook the velcros to each-other (assuming they're fuzzy on the back w/o involving the 'fron't of the diaper (I can't describe this well, sorry) so it's not sealed shut.


    As far as inserts, you can take them out or see if you washer agitates them out for you...mine does 99% of the time :) 

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