DS is almost 4 and DD is almost 9 months. DS has play shoes, good shoes, boots, sandals, blah blah blah. DD has a pair of robeez and a pair of tennis shoes that she sometimes keeps on. We come into the house from the garage and it enters directly into the kitchen. There is a wall rack for coats and backpacks and I have used a small basket for shoes. Well, the basket is overflowing now. Plus, DD loves to pull every shoe out as play. Not a big deal, but I feel like I am either picking up shoes all day in the kitchen or tripping over them.
Their bedrooms are down the hall on carpet and we've taught DS no shoes on the carpet, so they would need to take them off and get carried to their room if we put them there.
Any ideas for organizing?
Re: How do you organize shoes?
I keep one or two pairs of her shoes in the living room by the door (on a boot tray) and the rest go in a basket in her room by the door.
Now that flip flop season is almost over, her shoe collection will be cut by over half when I put them away so it wont look as messy.
We're lucky that we have a fairly large "mud room" at our garage entry point.
We have these:
Each person (5 of us) has a "cubbie" and my kids know to put their shoes in their cubbie when they take them off.
Not sure I'd want something this cheap looking (they're plastic and stackable) in my kitchen but maybe if you could find something nicer that fit the bill?
Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.