May 2011 Moms


What do you all do for stains particularly on the whites??? I have been using oxyclean but it is not working!

Re: Stains!

  • I'm curious too.  We had been doing so well with using the sunshine to bleach out poop stains.  In Michigan we can go days without a nice shiny sun, and the stains haven't been coming out as well.  I'm curious to hear others' tricks!
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  • I use the sun. But I am in San Diego so I will have sun all year long ;) So I wash with Oxicean and then dry in the sun.
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  • I'm in Chicago and we don't always have the most sun. I use sun when I can. If I can't I find that adding some vinegar to a cold pre-rinse cycle goes well.  I have a stackable (read, xs, holds five or six pairs of pants max) washer/dryer and use about a 1/4 c vinegar for a large load. I read somewhere that putting it in a downy ball (like softener) works as well.  Clothes end up not smelling like vinegar, are sanitized, and stain free for the most part.
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  • oxy clean spray the maxx one. works awesome and the stick one too. 


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