Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

Laundry Help!! Color dye transfer on colored clothes :(

Just threw all DD's new Fall/Winter wardrobe into the wash this morning all darks hot pinks/purples etc from Carters and Target.  I didn't get to it to throw it into the dryer until now and some of the color bled onto each item.  Like a pink shirt with white sleeves has purple stain on it :(  A hot pink shirt has purple transfer and a mix colored sweater has stains from both the pink and purple.  I could just cry right now.  Is there anything that will take color transfer out of colored clothing?  BTW I know about color catchers and usually use one but I ran out and thought it wouldn't be a big deal since they are all darks.
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Re: Laundry Help!! Color dye transfer on colored clothes :(

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    Did you wash them in hot or cold?  We wash everything in cold and have never had this problem.  That sucks, sorry I'm no help.
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    Try Zout or Oxy clean...this happened to me once and I also soaked it with regular old Tide powder. Lots of work later it came out. You could try taking them back and saying the fabrics ran. Couldn't hurt to try. Carters seems pretty good about that stuff. 


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    cold water :(  They were brand new though and it was their first wash.  I usually never let new stuff sit in the wash though b/c I've had this problem in the past it was just a busy day.
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    Try Zout or Oxy clean...this happened to me once and I also soaked it with regular old Tide powder. Lots of work later it came out. You could try taking them back and saying the fabrics ran. Couldn't hurt to try. Carters seems pretty good about that stuff. 


    I don't have either of those but I will be picking them up tomorrow.  Thanks, I'm really hoping it works.

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    This exact same thing happened to me the other day.  One of DD's brand new pairs of pants seems to be ruined.  I've been trying everything to get rid of the stains -- Spray 'n Wash, soaking in color safe bleach, Oxy Clean, etc.  Nothing has worked.  The color safe bleach helped a little, but the stains are still very visible.  I think I'm giving up.  If you find something that works, please let me know!  Good luck!
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    We wash in cold, and this has happened to me a couple of times. I usually just rewash them again, and it normally always comes out.
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    DH accidentally but put a handmade bridesmaid dress in the laundry and washed it with a bunch of DDs clothes. Everything was bright pink AND he put in through the dryer before he noticed. A few good soaks in oxyclean and really hot water took care of it.
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    This happened to me yesterday on clothing.  I took them out of the wash and sprayed pre-treater on the stain, let it sit 30 min. and washed it in warm water.  Stain is gone now.
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    Rit makes color remover.  Works wonderfully.  Most detergents and soap won't work because they're made for removing organic stains (dirt, food, etc).  Dye is a chemical stain

    To my boys:  I will love you for you Not for what you have done or what you will become I will love you for you I will give you the love The love that you never knew
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    I don't know if this works for already transferred colors but for future reference, Shout makes color catcher sheets.  You put it in in the wash and it catches any dye that comes off of clothes before it can transfer to other clothes.  I've had color transfer a bunch of times.  It sucks.
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