I'm not quite sure fussy covers what these girls are. They are quiet for like a couple minutes then start crying. Always crying. They actually sleep fine at night, wake every 3-4 hours but go right down again after eating with no fuss. During the day though they cry all.the.time. I can't lay them down on a playmat, the only thing that sort of settles them is the swing. They have also had black green poop for a couple of weeks that the pediatrician kind of brushed off by saying poop changes. Anyone else experience this? I'm going to call the pediatrician tomorrow again because I was thinking it was thinking it could be reflux. Any suggestions? I'm ready to lose my mind!
Re: They won't stop crying
"I have four children. Two are adopted. I forget which two. -Bob Constantine
"All for Love,' a Saviour prayed 'Abba Father have Your way. Though they know not what they do...Let the Cross draw men to You...."
"I have four children. Two are adopted. I forget which two. -Bob Constantine
"All for Love,' a Saviour prayed 'Abba Father have Your way. Though they know not what they do...Let the Cross draw men to You...."
Hang in there, this is not forever, it is a phase that will pass.
Use that swing as much as you can and ask for help. I think it is a good idea to call the pedi, just to rule out any issues.
I'm so sorry. I went through a rough patch with my guys when they were about the same age and I know how hard it is. It will get better!
I was right there with you just a few days ago and know exactly what you are going through! Our girls do both have reflux so getting the right dose of zantac and adding rice cereal to their formula has really helped. The huge turnaround though was when I started giving them Culturelle for Kids probiotic daily, I swear their behavior changed within a day of using it!! Of course they still have their moments but they will lay in their boppy's on the floor and be content for a bit! Ours were the same way, at night they were angels but then come daytime they were little monsters! : )
I hope things get better for you soon! Big hugs!!!
First off, it will get better, I promise! I only had one like you described and it was so hard. Caitlin screamed all.the.time during the day from 5-12 weeks. Using 'The Happiest Baby on the Block' methods helped us, esp the swaddle and the swinging.
Good luck with the pedi tomorrow, I hope they can give you some direction. I hope the end is near for you! Our screamer, Caitlin, is now the sweetest and happiest toddler in the world and sleeps like a champ. Good luck!