DH had his individual interview yesterday. I asked him how it went, and he said it was just like every other time we've gone and talked to her: they sat around talking about everything and nothing in particular. I am so happy that she is easy to be around. I guess it means she is very good at her job -- she doesn't really ask direct, intrusive questions. Just sort of guides the conversation a little bit if needed... Or sometimes doesn't, and we end up talking about our opinions on something random. I am still cleaning like a madwoman, but mostly just because scrubbing a couple walls or deep-cleaning one room makes me realize how badly all the others need it, and I can't stop now that I've started. We have our (only) home visit in 6 days and I'm really not even nervous about it anymore. Still impatient, but not worried at all. Hopefully I am not getting overconfident...
On a side note, we just realized it's been 3w4d since turning in our app for the HS (that sounds weird) and in 3w4d it'll be Rily's bday. Thought that was kind of neat. I can't wait until he has a brother or sister!!!
Re: Our SW is wonderful :)
Hi and congrats on turning in your app for homestudy
I'm sure it feels good!!. I noticed you are located in Lexington, KY. I am from northern KY (Covington area). Do you mind me asking what agency you are using?? It sounds like you really like them. We are researching agencies in Lexington and if you had any feedback you'd be willing to give, I'd really appriciate it,.
If you would rather send it in a PM, I would completely understand
I'm just trying to get a feel for some agencies in Lexington before we make the 1 1/2 hour trip to meet with anyone 
Good Luck with your home visit!! I hope your wait is short and sweet!!
DD conceived with no issues, but born at 33 weeks due to PPROM
loss #1-06/2010 loss #2-2/2011 loss #3-5/2011
07/2011 dx with a Balanced Translocation
9/2011-decided on domestic infant adoption 10/2011-signed with an agency and getting ready for homestudy
12-2012-after being with our agency over a year and only shown to EM once we decided to talk with RE about DEIVF. Thru a crazy sequence of events we decided to go for it and we picked a donor MUCH quicker than anticipated
1/13/2013-started lupron with anticipated transfer in mid Feb.
ER 2/15 resulted in 15 eggs/10M/6F with ICSI.
2/18 transferred 1-8cell and 1-9cell embie. Snuggle in little embies.
positive on HPT 6dp3dt. Could this really be IT?!?! Beta 14dp3dt=2440. U/S scheduled for 3/20.