Cloth Diapering

First Day

Today was my first day CD my 8 month old with flip diapers.  Everything went fine and i think we are liking it. just a few questions.

It looks pretty bulky in the front.  He is on the medium size so the insert was folded in the front.  What pocket style CDs are the least bulky?  I think it may be something i just need to get used to but i think i like the look of disposable better (at least with clothes on baby).

 Whats the deal with snaps vs. velcro?  I had a hard time holding him still to get the snaps on but at cotton babies they didn't recommend velcro.  It seems like it would be a lot easier though.

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Re: First Day

  • Congrats!  Flips are some of the most trim diapers, but it is going to look and feel a lot bigger than a sposie, you get used to it and soon enough you don't even realize it.  Sunbaby's are pretty trim for a pocket diaper, but because you can adjust how many inserts you have in any pocket that is going to make the fluffier or not.  I CD a 26 month old so she has a pretty fluffy tush!  Like I said though soon enough you won't realize the difference.

    Snaps vs. aplix (velcro) is completely an opinion.  I prefer snaps just because they hold up better and they are harder for baby (toddler in my case) to get undone.  This is also something that you get used too.  I actually had a hard time putting on a disposable diaper on my friends 9 month old the other day, I was laughing so hard because it was funny that I couldn't get it to work (we have only been cloth diapering since 12-13 months). Whether it is aplix or snaps you get used to them and trust me I know about squirmy kids, DD never sits still for anything, but you will get faster at it just like with disposables.

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  • you'll get used to the fluffly bum, before you know it you'll think sposie bums look weird LOL!
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  • It took me some time to get use to the fluffy bum.  I prefer the snaps to my Velcro.  The only velcro I have are on two of our covers and one AIO. 
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