Pre-School and Daycare

Would your son like this...?

For those of you that have 4+ year old boys, do they enjoy play sets?  I thought this toy would be nice for my son for Christmas...but it's expensive and I'm wondering if it's worth it.  Your thoughts...?


Re: Would your son like this...?

  • imageSpin313:

    For those of you that have 4+ year old boys, do they enjoy play sets?  I thought this toy would be nice for my son for Christmas...but it's expensive and I'm wondering if it's worth it.  Your thoughts...?

    My son is about the same age as yours, but he would LOVE that. In fact, I may have to steal that idea. :)

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers m/c 01-07-10
  • That is really cute.  But, I think at that age, my son would have liked the Imaginext Pirate ship just as well if not better, and its less expensive. 
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  • Heck, I'D like it.  Anyway, judging from my nephew who is 4, pirates go over big with him so that would be a huge hit.

    DD -- 5YO
    DS -- 3YO

  • My son is 7, and he started to like more complex playsets like the one in your post at about age 4.  

    One thing I've found is that he tends to like more chunky, durable stuff for his play.  We have a ton of playmobils and Star Wars figures, but the pieces (swords, guns, equipment) are SO tiny that it's almost a drag to deal with them. For instance, we have 2 Luke Sykwalker action figures.  One is more realistic, with a "better" lightsaber, but he's also more delicate.  The other Luke is pure plastic -- a little sturdier -- and he gets played with all the time! 

    Also, my kids almost never play with their action figures in the way the manufacturer intended.  For instance, Luke Skywalker and Obi Wan rarely ride in their space ships and attack the other Star Wars toys.  They're always getting into adventures under the coffee table, or being sent to a hospital made out of building blocks and tea towels, or visiting the pokemon action figures who live in the Fisher Price castle, etc.  In some ways, the more simple and basic the toy, the more my kids like it.  A huge, detailed playset almost takes away from the fun for them.

    High School English teacher and mom of 2 kids:

    DD, born 9/06/00 -- 12th grade
    DS, born 8/25/04 -- 7th grade
  • i'm cracking up b/c i was going to recommend the Imaginext one, too - we just got one at a yardsale for $5 last weekend..... so i went to find the link on and they are selling for $$$$ on there- even used! WTF???  My husband wants to sell ours, lol.

    My boys LOVE it - all 3 of them.... Griffin plays with it in a much more appropriate way than the twins do, obviously... I think they are great.

    there are a bunch out there, thouhg- you could find something much cheaper.

    I used to be Goldie_locks_5 but the new nest is so screwed up that I was forced to start over.
  • My son would like it.  But I would be worried about your 6 month old getting the pieces.

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