1st Trimester

Failed pregnancy but no bleeding??

First u/s doctor said there was no fetus.. We went to our second u/s on Tuesday.. No fetus.. Sac still measured 5weeks.. Doctor said that I will miscarry soon.. Waiting sucks.. If I don't miscarry within 7-14 days they want to do a D&C..

I have still had NO BLEEDING..

Re: Failed pregnancy but no bleeding??

  • I'm so sorry.
    I'm hiding from my local boards!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm really sorry.  I had a missed miscarriage last year.  Development stopped at 5w6d, which we discovered at my 8 week ultrasound.  Didn't miscarry until 9w1d.  I opted to wait it out.  The waiting for it to start was awful.  

    If I still hadn't miscarried at 9 1/2 weeeks, my OB was going to induce the miscarriage with mifepristone and misoprostol, because I did not want to have a d&c if I could avoid it.  If you don't want a d&c, the medical induction might be an option, but I think they have to do it before 10 weeks for it to be most effective. 

    I hope your body figures things out soon so that you can start to heal.  ((hugs))

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    I'm really sorry.  I had a missed miscarriage last year.  Development stopped at 5w6d, which we discovered at my 8 week ultrasound.  Didn't miscarry until 9w1d.  I opted to wait it out.  The waiting for it to start was awful.  

    If I still hadn't miscarried at 9 1/2 weeeks, my OB was going to induce the miscarriage with mifepristone and misoprostol, because I did not want to have a d&c if I could avoid it.  If you don't want a d&c, the medical induction might be an option, but I think they have to do it before 10 weeks for it to be most effective. 

    I hope your body figures things out soon so that you can start to heal.  ((hugs))

    I called to ask about the pill today.. My doctor doesn't do that.. So my option is the D&C.. Which I really don't want to do.. I really hope my body does this on its own soon..

  • I am the same as PP. Baby stopped developing at 5w4d but was not discovered until an u/s at almost 10 wks. I did not want to wait it out and opted for the d&c. Had to have 2 of them because I got a huge blood clot after the first because of some tissue that got left behind. It was horrible. I would never do a d&c again. The waiting game is not fun but you also don't have to wait as long to try again.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • What difficult news, I am so sorry. I hope the best for you, I really do. My heart hurts reading posts like this.
  • I'm so sorry.  

    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • I miscarried my first pregnancy and had no signs at all of a m/c. I had no bleeding, cramping, anything :-( I went in for my first u/s at 9 weeks and there was nothing there. I had to have a d and c the next day. I am so sorry. Big Hugs. On a brighter note, I got pregnant 4 months later and had a beautiful DD. She is now 2.5 years old. I also just had a DS 12 weeks ago. I so feel for you but try to keep your head up. You will have a LO. Big hugs to you. I went to the m/c board and I am still close to many of the girls that mc'd the same time as I did in 2008. 
  • At my first US, there was no sac and I had started bleeding within 2 days of that. Unfortunately, I bled for the next 4 weeks, and then I had no bleeding for 4 weeks, and then a regular period.  I think that if I could go back, I'd have the D&C so that I wouldn't have to wait the 4 weeks unitl my MC was complete.  Sorry to hear your news.  I know it's awful, but it gets a little easier with a little time.

  • So sorry, this happened to us in Jan :( we discovered the missed miscarriage at 8 weeks and I did not miscarry until 12 weeks so I had 4 weeks of waiting and was in the process of scheduling a d&c when it happened.  


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  • So very sorry dear!
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