1st Trimester

HORMONAL VENT: First Trimester is lonely!

So I am 7 weeks along and feeling all the magical crazy emotions that one feels, but I am so lonely. We haven't told anyone. My husband works late all the time and I feel so alone. I wish I could just explain to people why I can no longer grab drinks with them. Why I am kind of surly all the time (stupid hormones) And yet, I am afraid to tell anyone. Afraid of "jinxing it" and miscarrying. I am also afraid people will be mad when I tell them after it has already been 14 weeks. In short, am a sad emotional mess. Also, I am hesitant to tell my family. What is wrong with me? I am sure they will be happy. Sigh.
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Re: HORMONAL VENT: First Trimester is lonely!

  • Aww it sounds like you are just dealing with a lot of hormones! There is nothing wrong with you. For heaven's sake I cried while watching a weight loss show today. I usually NEVER cry... I felt so pathetic, but I figure it's just the hormones messing with me! I am hesitant to tell my family too. I just found out, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to break down and tell them. I was going to wait 12 weeks, but I don't think I can anymore. 
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  • I feel the same way... I am home alone all day with nothing but my m/s to keep me company and we haven't told anybody either. Well, not many people. And the people that do know I don't/can't really talk to about it...

    It sucks... But just think of how wonderful it will be when we can tell everybody and we don't feel like crap all the time...

    There's a light at the end of the tunnel, sometimes you just have to squint to find it!

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  • Tell your family. There is no such thing as jinxing it. It sounds like you need support - I would be a mess if I didn't tell anyone.
    TTC#2: 8/17/14 // BFP: 9/5/14

    TTC#1: 7/30/11 // BFP: 8/22/11
    DS: Carson Robert 4/29/12

  • Hormones. Do it! It's a great moment!
    due april 10th :))
  • I agree with pp.  Tell your family!! 
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  • imageJazzyashes84:
    Tell your family. There is no such thing as jinxing it. It sounds like you need support - I would be a mess if I didn't tell anyone.

     I couldn't agree more.  If something goes wrong, you'll tell your family, right?  So why not tell them now too?  Or, at least share with someone you are comfortable confiding in if it's not your family.  You don't have to tell the whole world, just someone.

    BFP 12/19/08- DS born 8/25/09 9lbs2oz via Zavanelli Maneuver
    BFP 8/26/11- Missed miscarriage discovered 10/19/11 at 11w2d, measured at 9 weeks gestation w/ no HB. D&C 10/21/11
    BFP 3/17/12 at 12dpo CP 3/21/12
    BFP 4/23/12 at 10dpo Stick my little one! Beta #1: 83.3 @ 13dpo Beta #2: 197.7 @ 15dpo
    Our little man is getting bigger every day!
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  • I also agree with telling your family, they can be a great support system.
    Little E born 12.10.09 Little A born 04.19.12
  • I told my family and two very close friends.  I need these people there for me just in case something were to happen.  Also, they will be so excited for you and it will just add to your excitement.
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  • I know EXACTLY how you feel. At first we decided not to tell until we knew that our baby is progressing well and is healthy, but out first appointment isn't for another 4 weeks. I really want to tell SOMEONE (other than my employer, which I only did for the safety of the baby). I feel like if I tell my family, I will jinx it... and if I don't tell them until after my 12 week appointment they may wonder why I kept it a secret for so long. It will be the first grandchild for my parents, and I guess I'd just like to tell them in person so I can see their reaction. I'm a mess too, so don't feel like you're so alone in this.

    It might make you feel better if you start to share the news. GL!

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  • I completely get how you feel. I found out three weeks ago and have only told my mom and a close coworker (whose a new mom) because she isn't a part of my "circle." That could be a good way for you to share, too. My work friend always has great, supportive advice. We're finally going to tell my inlaws next weekend, and I can't wait! Then, I get to tell my friends. We're waiting until the first doc appt. Its been really lonely so far, but last night we had a huge group of close friends over and it was so good to do something fun and see everyone. We still didn't say anything (although I wasn't drinking so my girlfriends are all guessing by now), and it was fine. We don't need to think about baby and nausea every second of the day. Good luck!
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