Parenting after a Loss

mmm...homemade frapuccino!

Cleaned out the pantry!

I found these Starbucks Via instant iced coffee packets.  I threw in 16 oz water, 1/2 cup of Ghirardelli hot cocoa mix, some milk and ice into a blender.  Tastes just like the real thing!  I even threw some chocolate syrup on top.  It made about 1/4 gallon and I'm able to store the rest in the freezer for tomorrow.  YUM!

Twin boys born too early at 17w4d and 18w2d in February 2010
Transabdominal cerclage placed September 2010
DS born at 35w1d in February 2011
Twin girls born at exactly 36w in February 2013
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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