1st Trimester

Why do people do this?

Okay the back story first.

When I found out I was pregnant I came up to a close friend at work and told her I was. Another co-worker overheard, which is no big deal--everyone at my work knew anyway. She then said she thought she was pregnant as well. I asked how far along and she said she was guessitmating 7 weeks, but hadn't taken a test yet. I told her she should probably do that before spouting off that she was pregnant.

A few days later she comes in saying she was having horrible pains and she went to the doctor. Her doctor immediately did an u/s and determined that she was indeed pregnant (7 weeks) BUT that it had implanted partially in her tube and partially into her uterus, and that she would need a specialist to look and see if it would be viable. She then said how she's had 3 tubal pregnancies and had to abort them all, but that they've never taken her tube out. All 3 were in the same tube, so I found that hard to believe. Anyway, she told another co-worker that she was only 4 weeks along, and said her due date was May 29th. At the time she would have been 1 1/2-2 weeks pregnant if she was due May 29th, which is impossible because she wouldn't have ovulated yet. But whatever. Then she changed her story to be due April 29th, and said she was 7 weeks. But she would have only been 5 1/2 weeks at the time. Get where I'm going...

So I left for vacation and came back to ask her how her specialist doctor went. She had left work early (after taking 6 ibuprofens and 3 aleve's because of a headache, obviously she's a bit off). So I asked her best friend.

Her best friend said she's not pregnant, but has been lying about it all along. WTF? Who does that? 

That now makes me think she is some kind of creeper that acts like she's pregnant then kills the mom and steals the baby.  


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Re: Why do people do this?

  • Sounds to me like she enjoys the attention. I've known many people like that through work and mutual friends. Usually I nod my head while slowly backing away from the crazy.
    It was many and many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you may know By the name of ANNABEL LEE; And this maiden she lived with no other thought Than to love and be loved by me. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image BFP: 9/24/11 EDD: 6/5/12 Natural MC: 11/6/11
  • Some people like attention and drama.  My SIL is always coming up with a story of some sort to seek attention.  I am with the other poster just nod and walk away!
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  • Super creepy. Especially since she has so many different stories to try to keep up with. I guess some people are just straight up AWs.  Stay away from her if you can!
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  • Thats crazy. I had a friend in high school fake a pregnancy. It was wierd, but at that age, I wrote it off as wanting attention. What full grown woman fakes a pregnancy? I would wonder about her mental health to be honest. Thats not normal.
  • imageNayNaysPlayPen:
    Thats crazy. I had a friend in high school fake a pregnancy. It was wierd, but at that age, I wrote it off as wanting attention. What full grown woman fakes a pregnancy? I would wonder about her mental health to be honest. Thats not normal.

    Exactly. What's really scare is we work for Dept. of Mental Health for the state. I'm a nurse out there, so I knew something was fishy from the beginning, but was giving her the benefit of the doubt.

    But faking a pregnancy is really weird. She even asked where I got my maternity clothes from because she's gained 35lb already. Ummm..... yeah not so much. I haven't gained anything, and that's almost impossible to gain that much in a WEEK.

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  • Is she related to Casey Anthony??? Perhaps she is just a compolsive liar.... Yikes! I would steer clear of that one, or maybe give your boss a heads up that she is a little on the wacko side. Did you call her out? 
  • imagejmgcoggins:

    Thats crazy. I had a friend in high school fake a pregnancy. It was wierd, but at that age, I wrote it off as wanting attention. What full grown woman fakes a pregnancy? I would wonder about her mental health to be honest. Thats not normal.

    Exactly. What's really scare is we work for Dept. of Mental Health for the state. I'm a nurse out there, so I knew something was fishy from the beginning, but was giving her the benefit of the doubt.

    But faking a pregnancy is really weird. She even asked where I got my maternity clothes from because she's gained 35lb already. Ummm..... yeah not so much. I haven't gained anything, and that's almost impossible to gain that much in a WEEK.

    This totally reminded me of Penelope, Kristin Wiigs character on SNL.  (I think it's Penelope)

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Wow... okay psycho. 

    Stay far, far away.... and never bring your baby to work! 

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  • What's wrong with people?!?  My sister in law faked 3 pregnancies and then when she finally was, we weren't sure how to react anymore.

    I worked with a woman once that was claiming a pregnancy every couple of months and then demanding more breaks and PTO because she was "pregnant".

    Ugg---some people annoy me...

  • OMG I know!!! ::eye roll::

    My SIL is known in the family for telling bogus stories about everything. The more you call her out on them, the more outrageous the lies get. About 6 months after DH and I lost our baby in February, I had a tearful heart-to-heart one night with her where I opened up to her about everything. All I wanted was to get it off my chest and for her to tell me it was ok or something.

    BTW SIL is in her 2nd marriage, has 5 children between the 2 of them that are all over the age of 12 and had her tubes tied for about 10 years. She tried to tell me that when they first got together they got pregnant by some miracle of nature, but that she lost it, so she knew how I felt. I almost smacked her!!! I felt so betrayed.

    This is the same SIL that claims her ex-hubby and her were pregnant after the 2 they had and he beat her so bad that she lost the baby. Ugh!! What is WRONG WITH PEOPLE???

    First came love, then came marriage - Oct 31, 09
    Then came a miscarriage March '11
    Then came a baby in the baby carriage May 16, 12

    Waiting on our second little peanut!
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  • I have had a very similar situation happen with someone I work with. The timing was never right, the stories didnt match up.. She swims in attention and always has this pathetic look on her face, wanting to soak up as much sympathy as she can get her hands on. Its really annoying especially when you ARE pregnant, and am trying to enjoy your time. Some people are just not that bright.
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