Before I got pregnant, I weighted 145 pounds (I'm 5'10"). ?I gained 45 pounds during pregnancy and was 190 when the girls were born. ?Tomorrow is their 4 week birthday, and I'm back down to 155. ?So, I still have 10 pounds to lose. ?However, I was at 155 2 weeks after their birth, so since then I haven't lost any weight. ?I'm wondering if the last 10 pounds will stick around until I quit pumping (which I'm not planning to do until I go back to work in February) or has the weight loss just slowed down drastically?
Just wondering what others have experienced. ?I'm anxious to get my body back and I HATE the bulge that still sits at my stomach!?
Re: weight loss after a c-section...
Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!
You need to give it some time, but it will happen. I was 127 at 5'4 pre pregnancy. I was 187 the day I delivered them. I lost 30 very quickly and I was down to my pre pregnancy weight by 4 months pp and and now down to 122. I just watched what I ate and it did happen. My stomach was flat before I got pg and it is flat again, it just took some time for that to happen, but it did happen!!! Just give it some time!!!
I was 127 and 5'8" prepregnancy. I was 193 when I delivered (gained 65 lbs... augh!!). By 4 weeks PP, I was down to 149. By 6 weeks, 144. I've lost weight slowly since then, and I'm now at 136, which is fine for my height. I'm still losing, though, about 0.5 lbs per week, and I'm not dieting or exercising (no time! no time!). My stomach is flat again (though oddly loose and not that pretty), but I still have some extra weight around my bum/thighs/upper hips. And let's not discuss stretch marks.
I stopped pumping at 6w pp, too.