October 2011 Moms

if you had or are having a scheduled c/s did you tell people the date?

did you tell people that the baby was coming on X date? or did you just wait til the baby was born and surprise people?

what about family? did you tell them to come to the hospital so many hours post surgery,etc?


Re: if you had or are having a scheduled c/s did you tell people the date?

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    our families know the day i am scheduled, but if i go into labor before then, they will be told.  my mom is coming to watch DD so she is on alert to get a call at any time.

    and we aren't having visitors the first day except for DD as long as i am feeling up to it. 

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    We told people the date last time and we have started telling people the date this time.

    On family at the hospital: you will get lots of different opinions on this, it is solely up to how you and your DH want to handle it.

    For us: my parents, one sister, and DH's parents were in the waiting room during surgery. Due to the c/s we had 2 hours in recovery (no visitors allowed) for some new family bonding before we were moved to post partum and anyone was allowed to come in.

    This time: my parents with my DS, possibly one of my sisters, DH's mom (FIL may have to work) will be in the waiting room, we will have our alone time in recovery again and then once we are moved to post partum we have told our families that we want some time with just DS in with us. Nobody had any issue with it, they just want to be there. We get along with all of our family and don't mind the visitors in the hospital.

    Friends will probably come that first night or at some point the next day, whenever is convenient for them. We are pretty laid back when it comes to visitors.

    Decide what is comfortable for your family, make sure you and DH are on the same page, and put forward a united front.


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    Yes, we told people the date.  I simply answer with the date when people ask when I am due or how much longer I have.  We have family coming into town to take care of our son while we are away having the c-section so they obviously know.  My mother and grandmother will be staying at our house with our son while I am in surgery and they will come up to the hospital once I get to my post-partum room and we call them and say we are ready for visitors.  We won't have any other visitors the first day and will probably only have 1 or 2 close friends stop by the next day. 
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    We told people the date but we arent having visitors except my dad and my DS the day the baby is born. Everyone else is coming the day after!
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    For us: my parents, one sister, and DH's parents were in the waiting room during surgery. Due to the c/s we had 2 hours in recovery (no visitors allowed) for some new family bonding before we were moved to post partum and anyone was allowed to come in.

    we havent been told c/s yet, I was just thinking about this.  I dont think I would want to think of everyone waiting outside. I would probably tell them to come after they can visit. But then again, knowing all of them, they may want to wait out there during the surgery.   I guess we willl wait and see. they arent bothering me out there.  and I want to have some new-parents-new-baby time first.

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    For us: my parents, one sister, and DH's parents were in the waiting room during surgery. Due to the c/s we had 2 hours in recovery (no visitors allowed) for some new family bonding before we were moved to post partum and anyone was allowed to come in.

    we havent been told c/s yet, I was just thinking about this.  I dont think I would want to think of everyone waiting outside. I would probably tell them to come after they can visit. But then again, knowing all of them, they may want to wait out there during the surgery.   I guess we willl wait and see. they arent bothering me out there.  and I want to have some new-parents-new-baby time first.

    the meds made me throw up, and i wasn't allowed to hold DD until we got to the pp room.  with not feeling well, wanting to bond and trying to BF--i learned my lesson and that is why i am not planning on having visitors the first day.  the difference between the first and 2nd day was huge--i felt much better after a little sleep, eating and taking a shower. 


    photo IMG_3757_zps3e266e57.jpg Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker "Sometimes I am two people. Johnny is the nice one. Cash causes all the trouble. They fight." - Johnny Cash
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    For us: my parents, one sister, and DH's parents were in the waiting room during surgery. Due to the c/s we had 2 hours in recovery (no visitors allowed) for some new family bonding before we were moved to post partum and anyone was allowed to come in.

    we havent been told c/s yet, I was just thinking about this.  I dont think I would want to think of everyone waiting outside. I would probably tell them to come after they can visit. But then again, knowing all of them, they may want to wait out there during the surgery.   I guess we willl wait and see. they arent bothering me out there.  and I want to have some new-parents-new-baby time first.

    the meds made me throw up, and i wasn't allowed to hold DD until we got to the pp room.  with not feeling well, wanting to bond and trying to BF--i learned my lesson and that is why i am not planning on having visitors the first day.  the difference between the first and 2nd day was huge--i felt much better after a little sleep, eating and taking a shower. 


    Each hospital will have different policies on where baby and you are after a c/s. At my hospital a healthy baby is kept with the parents. DH was with our DS while they sewed me up and they did all of his vital checks, bath, etc. in my recovery room so when I was brought back from the OR I could hold him immediately.

     I BF, and yes it was difficult, but I just kicked visitors out of the room that I was not comfortable with being there while I was trying to learn. I also got sick from the meds, but the only people in the room with me at the time were my DH and my mom, so NBD. I will just kick people out if I start to not feel well this time. Again I am pretty laid back when it comes to having visitors in the hospital, besides it is easier to get visitors to leave while at the hospital than at your home. The nurses can play bouncer for you. Mine were great at it. :)

    On the parents waiting in the waiting room: I wasn't thinking about them being out there, I was all consumed with the surgery prep and too excited to meet my LO. Also, try to look at it from their perspective: for your parents - their little girl is having surgery, as a parent it is not surprising they want to be there. You never stop being a parent, your kid just gets older.  For your ILs - their son's wife is about to go through surgery and he is probably nervous (if your DH is anything like mine, he won't tell you how nervous till after the fact) and they just want to be there in support of their child (DH). Yes both are excited about the grandchild, but that is not the only reason they want to be there.

    Again, this is a personal decision and one that is different for every couple. I just wanted to share my personal experience and this is what works for us.


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    I had a scheduled induction. We told immediate family and only our closest friends. It was actually beneficial because we could set the level of expectations re: visitors right off the bat, ie, no visitors the first day, and we will let everyone know when (and if$ on the 2nd day we're ready to see people.
    July 20th, 2012: Never forget the day the fb douchebags tried so hard, but ultimately failed. Viva la October 2011! Yeah, I called you douchebags.


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    We have told pretty much everyone the day & approximate time of our section and our friends/family have been very understanding of what our wishes are. My MIL will be at the hospital with us during the section (she will NOT be in the room though) and will be allowed into the room when we are moved up to the Mother/Baby unit - which should be about 2 hours after the surgery. FIL, BIL & SIL will all be joining us when they get out of work - which should also be about 2 hours post surgery. They understand that their visitation will depend on how the surgery goes & how I am recovering.

    We also expect a few friends to visit us on Saturday (c/s is on Thursday) but they understand that visit times will be limited and are all contingent on my recovery.

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    I felt like crap after the csection with DS - lots of nausea and vomiting. My parents and brother were there, but I am ok with them being around when I am sick. I would not have wanted my inlaws around because we do not get along and it would have stressed me out more, luckily DH was on the same page. I did not feel up to having anyone else visit. This time my parents are watching DS, so they'll bring him up when I am feeling ok, but I don't think anyone will be in the waiting room this time. My brother will be hanging out at our house for us because our furnace just broke and needs to be replaced and the first available time to do it will be when we're in the hospital.
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    We told friends and family but didn't put it out there on Facebook or anything, which a lot of my Facebook friends have done.  I'm all for full disclosure, but that's a bit much for me.

    Our parents and most likely siblings will be in the waiting room while we're in for my c/s because my mom was insistent and my this is my MIL's first grandchild so I think she's anxious to get her hands on my kid.

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