Chaperoning a field trip will keep you on your toes, and is a treasure trove of names! The children in my car were Theodore, Hamza (b), and Mi Hua (g).
The other 5 children added to my group at the zoo were Poppy, Silas & Cal (twins), Isaiah, and Eli.
Re: Names from a field trip.
I actually think that they only exist in catalogs. I have never met one IRL.
Where are you from, out of curiosity? I'm from the midwest, and I've met about 5 Jadens, 2 Kadens, and 1 Braden that I can think of. I've also met lots of Jaylins and Jayleighs (girls). And I don't really know that many kids.
Ditto. ?Just curious. ?I'm on the east coast and I teach in an urban school of 600. ?I have appx. 12 Jayden/Jhayden/Jadens, a Kaiden, an Aiden, and a Brayden. ?Somedays I never want to say those names again! lol ??