Baby Names

Need girl name ideas

DH and I are team green and we are narrowing down our name choices.  For a boy, we've narrowed it down to Adam, Evan, and Ryan. Adam is the #1 choice for both of us, but we wanted to have options.

For girls, we've narrowed it down Natalie and Charlotte.  I like both of these names and if I had the baby today, I'm sure I'd be OK with both of them.  But I'm just not sold on either.  Some of the other names I liked that DH nixed were Elise, Hannah, Anna, and Audrey.

Based on these names, are there any other girl names you think we could like?  Thanks!!

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Re: Need girl name ideas

  • I think you can't go wrong with either Natalie or Charlotte both very classic and pretty.. but here are a few suggestions- Mallory, Maren, Erin, Keira, Emilie, Sadie

    Vivian, Helena, Meredith, Emmeline, Caroline, Tara



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  • I LOVE Charlotte, but my Man's aunt's name is Charlotte so he doesn't want to use that. :(

     My girl names got torn apart so I won't suggest anymore :-/ 

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  • I've always liked Natalie. I am getting kind of bored with the name Charlotte though. Too bad your DH vetoed your other names; they were all really pretty. I doubt any of my suggestions would be anything you haven't heard already but sometimes hearing them from someone else can kindle an appeal. Good luck!











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  • Sounds like you and I have similar taste in names!  DS is Evan Andrew. If we were having another boy, then Adam was near the top of our list!  

    For girls, I vote for Natalie. That's actually the name we have picked out for our DD that's making her arrival soon. Charlotte is also beautiful, but getting SO popular. I realize that Natalie is ranked higher on the SSA list, but I honestly don't meet many IRL. I also love your other names! Anna and Audrey were on our list as well (Anna still is actually). Sorry, not much help here. I just thought it was funny that we have very similar lists of names!! Good luck! 

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