Cloth Diapering

GMD prefolds. What size?

I have a 22 month old toddler. We use pockets and I am looking to buy some GMD prefolds to stuff. I am on their site and keep reading about their sizes but I haven't really found a good answer. What size should I get to stuff a OS pocket (orange or yellow edge)?


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Re: GMD prefolds. What size?

  • Given that your DS is a toddler, I'd probably stuff with red edge.  Better yet, they have length measurements for each prefold size on their website. I'd measure whatever inserts you're currently using and use that as a length measurement guide.

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  • I can stuff mine with a yellow edge.  Orange would be way too small.  I tend to just use the brown edge that I use on her as prefolds and trifold them the opposite way and stuff with that.
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  • imagedulcinea03:

    Given that your DS is a toddler, I'd probably stuff with red edge.  Better yet, they have length measurements for each prefold size on their website. I'd measure whatever inserts you're currently using and use that as a length measurement guide.


    Good idea. Thanks! 

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  • Do you know if the organic are just as soft as the regular ones?
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