Hello! I am new to the board. My husband and I discovered we're having twins at our 20 week ultrasound, earlier this week. The ultrasound tech told us that it looks like there is only one placenta, but the babies are both right on track for gestational age.
I went to my ob today and she referred me to an MFM. She said that sometimes it looks like one placenta and there is actually two, but the radiologist report wasn't detailed enough to confirm anything. I just received a call that earliest I can be seen the MFM of my choice (connected to the best local NICU) is Oct. 18. My dr. said there should be no problem with waiting that long. I'll be a little over 23 weeks.
I don't usually question medical advice, but something doesn't seem right about this to me. Should I call around to other MFM facilities and see if I can be seen earlier? Advice, please.
Re: MFM Question - length of time until visit
We found out it was twins at my 12 week NT scan and didn't see an MFM until 20w and every 4 weeks after that. BUT my girls were in 2 seperate placentas. I know that they'll want to monitor you more frequently with 1 placenta.
Thanks, ladies.
I called the MFM and the secretary said that they have my ultrasound, but my obgyn didn't ask them to review it. They will only do so if they receive a call from my office.
I hope the next 3 weeks passes quickly and uneventfully!
Usually MFM doctor's are super booked in advanced, I know mine is, unfortunately you may just have to wait until then
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Mine is as well. I waited 4 wks to see mine. When I was there on Monday, I booked my next two appts before I left (I'm being seen every 2 wks right now.)