my sister is currently in labor (in KS, breaking my heart not to be there). her son lives here with her ex. he's 15 years old!!!!!! a freshman in high school. I'll see him tomorrow night at the football game, and REALLY want to get him something "big brotherish". not a shirt. he said no. (yes, i asked!) what can i get him (locally, not online) that i can get him to make him feel like a "special" big brother?
any ideas?
Re: question re: MUCH older child with new sibling....
I was 14 when my only brother was born. At the time I was pretty ticked about the whole thing (selfish teenage years, what can I say?). It meant a lot to me when people focused on me as me, not a big sister. There was just so much focus on him.
Unless he is super excited about getting a new sibling, I would give him something you would give him on a birthday. Maybe you could include a card tying it into the big brother idea somehow.
No experience, but this would be my inclination, to get a "congrats big brother" card but then in terms of a gift just give something for HIM.
Sounds perfect!