I had unplanned c-section with #1 -- I remember them shaving where they were going to cut but I don't think they cleaned up anywhere else, like farther down near the vaginal lips --
I remember after bleeding for so many weeks and the grossness getting caught up in my hair down south.....
I want to avoid this the next time around --- what have you done/want to do differently... get waxed to clean up the area by the vaginal lips or not?
Does waxing hurt this far along? I think I would want a trim/shave before getting waxed so it doesn't hurt as much when the wax is pulled off? Gosh, I sure would feel sorry for the women that wax us pregnant ladies!
Re: Let's talk BIKINI WAX before scheduled c-section....
I remember this too with #1, so I am planning a full Brazillian wax. I do believe they trim the hair before putting the wax,
Probably hurts a bit, but guess what, delivery pains (normal or c - incision) hurts a million times more.
I had an unlpanned c-section but i knew i didn't want to deal with any hair in any situation so i trimmed all the way down to nothing. SO GLAD I DID.
I have never had a wax pregnant or not, so I cant help you there, but i have heard it does hurt worse. If your nervous of the pain, trim it down!
I am scheduled for a c-section on Tuesday next week (my first section, this baby is breech) and the pre-op nurse specifically told me I should NOT shave or wax anywhere near my groin/vagina/pelvic area for one week prior to my scheduled surgery. Shaving and waxing can leave little microscopic cuts that increase your risk of infection. I used some electric clippers and cleaned everything up really short and shaved my bikini line one week prior to my date and that's all I am doing.
I was told the same.