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Julia Margaret
Ryan David
Our last name is one syllable
Ryan David is a little bland for my taste, but I don't have anything against it.
I love the name Julia
Not too shabby but I'd like them better if they were reversed:
Mararet Julia
David Ryan
Re: My names.. What do you think?
Ryan David is a little bland for my taste, but I don't have anything against it.
I love the name Julia
Not too shabby but I'd like them better if they were reversed:
Mararet Julia
David Ryan
DX: Severe MFI 9/1/11
Because of Undescended testicle at birth
IVF #1 October BFN; 5 snowbabies
FET: November/December 2011
ET: 12/7/11; Beta 1: 12/16/11: 66 Beta 2: 12/19/11: 212! 1st ultrasound 1/3/12! Graduated 1/10/12: heartbeat 160
SAIF Always Welcome
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