Give me some motivation. I am seriously thinking of going back to school at age 35 to obtain a nursing degree. I know it's going to be tough, espeically now that I have two small children. Tell me I can do it!! Thanks! Just needed more encouragement!!
Re: Anyone here a Nurse?
StepMom to P, Mama to R and E.
SAHM and weekend NICU nurse
I'm 32 and back in school for respiratory therapy. It's a good idea to take classes like Anatomy & Physiology on their own. That's what I've been doing and so far, so good. I've timed it so I can hopefully start the full-time program when my youngest enters kindgergarten. Gonig to school with kids is very challenging but I've also found that I'm more focused and driven now that I'm older and I really don't want to disappoint my family. You can do it!