

Anyone ever had a c-section with a baby who was in a transverse lie? I'm starting to get really paranoid about this. My daughter is transverse with her head on my left side. Although she seems to be at a bit of an angle, I am starting to lose hope that she will drop head down. So another c-section is looking promising...

I'm nervous for a planned c-section only because I had an emergency one the first time with my son. Exhausted from 48 hours of labor and completely out of it. Not only that, but I was put under during the surgery. So I feel like a newbie all over again! Can anyone share their experience? PLEASE.

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  • i just want to say i kinda know how you feel.. my pelvis is too small and the baby is high and transverse... we are scheduling a csection next week. good luck to you!
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  • DD was confirmed still transverse at 38 wks 6 days and i had her the following morning via c section, i was in shock after planning for a med free birth for 9 months.  i didn't labor and was awake for the surgery, i had a spinal.  the first 24 hours sucked, i am not going to lie but after that i had a very easy recovery.  i only took the motrin for pain and was feeling good 2-3 weeks pp.
    photo IMG_3757_zps3e266e57.jpg Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker "Sometimes I am two people. Johnny is the nice one. Cash causes all the trouble. They fight." - Johnny Cash
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  • My first son was breach.  So at 38 weeks they tried to turn him but they couldn't get him to turn so we went ahead and did a c-section so it was semi-planned.  We had planned that if it didn't work we would do a c-section because I was already dilated to 4 or 5 cm (depending on the doctor).  I also had a repeat c-section with my second and I healed very well (better then most of my friend with natural births) from both.  So now that I am pregnant with #3 I am excited to have my 3rd c-section and then be done.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I don't have a transverse cesarean experience yet, but I will come Wednesday :)  If I'm lucid and get a chance I'll try to update.  Like you, my first c-section was after several days of labor (although I had a spinal).  I am excited about going into this without the exhaustion, although I have a little bit of anxiety about how the baby will come out.
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