During my first labor, I was eventually induced after not progressing fast enough. I was on pitocin for nearly 8 hours and dilated up to 8cm, but then I went down to 6cm and ended up with an unwanted c-section. I've been trying to figure out medically what that is called, but I'm still not exactly sure.
Has anyone been through that kind of c-section before and went on to have a successful VBAC? I'm trying to figure out what OB and hospital I want to go with, but I'm not even sure if I'm even a decent candidate for a VBAC.
Also, I've read up on the two local hospitals. One (that I deliever DD at) says it's up to the doctor to decide to do a VBAC. The other says it's allowed with no other comments. If I'm even eligible, do you think I'd have a better shot at a hospital that flat out allows it?
Really, any advice is appreciated. I've read how hard it can be to fight for what you want, so I want to have all my bases covered before I'm stuck with a doctor who is "supportive" of VBAC.
Re: Want a VBAC, but...
I had fully dilated but my cervix was starting to swell, making the passage smaller. In my case, it was because my daughter's head was tilted and could not come out, so it was just putting a bunch of pressure on my cervix. Do you know any other details of the birth like the baby's position? Poor positioning can also account for not progressing 'fast enough', and it shouldn't affect your candidacy for VBAC. But, I do not know what other reasons there may be for the cervix closing up like that, which is why I'd get more details about the birth!
My second baby was positioned better and, although I did still get pitocin augmentation, I had a successful VBAC and overall much less dramatic labor.
Were you feeling particularly stressed/anxious when you went from 8cm to 6cm? I've read about mothers who labor at home and then go to the hospital actually regressing in labor because they suddenly feel uncomfortable and women's bodies shut down when they're not in a comfortable place to have their baby. Could something have triggered you to regress like that?
I was induced with #1 (c/s) and #2 (VBAC). I was "stuck" at 7cm with DS2 for a good 15 hours before I dilated any further. He wasn't in distress so we kept going. Sometimes it just takes longer than they want it to, and that's ok!
Thanks for your response! Your story gives me hope, but I'm really not sure if DD's position was a contributing factor. I called the practice that I went to with her and they say they do VBAC's, so I plan to request an appointment with the doc that delivered DD and get to the bottom of why I needed the c-section.
That could have been it. As soon as they told me a c-section was a possibility, I did become stressed out. Once they told me it was definite, I cried the whole time and needed an oxygen mask on the table. It was the worst experience of my life.
Also, they drugged me up too much to the point where I couldn't feel my arms (and therefore hold DD) for hours afterward. Maybe it's possible I had a bad reaction to a drug and that with the stress somehow prevented me from dilating properly. I don't know.
I think I need to be more vocal with what I want. Last time, I was very lax and agreed to almost everything. I need to learn to take control of what happens with my body.
I was just reading about labor progress going backward in "Ina May's Guide to Childbirth" which I recommend reading.
If you decide you want to VBAC my best advice is to educate yourself and find a supportive provider. I switched at 35 weeks and it was the best decision I have made.