3rd Trimester

Can I do anything to induce my own labor?

Hey Girls!


So I will be 40 weeks on Friday and will be induced on Monday if she hasn't come by then.  Is there anything I can do besides walking and sex to get this baby going?  I am still 3cm dilated and about 50% effaced.


Thanks in advance for your comments =) 

Re: Can I do anything to induce my own labor?

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    You can try evening primrose oil and red raspberry tea. They will not induce labor but help it along. Stay away from castor oil all it will do is make you sick.
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    Walking and sex is about the safest, I would say.

    Just try to relax. I know that's easier said than done, but when the baby is ready, the baby will come.

    Just curious: why are you being induced so soon after your due date? Not judging, just honestly curious.  My doc with my DD started talking about inducing @ 41 weeks.   I was 40w2d when my DD was born.

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    Walking and sex is about the safest, I would say.

    Just try to relax. I know that's easier said than done, but when the baby is ready, the baby will come.

    Just curious: why are you being induced so soon after your due date? Not judging, just honestly curious.  My doc with my DD started talking about inducing @ 41 weeks.   I was 40w2d when my DD was born.



    I guess the reason why is because they first of all don't want me to go over 41 weeks, and that was the day the doctor picked.  I wanted to see if I could go later in next week but she wanted me to be in her care.  I have 5 doctors in practice and she wanted to make sure I was with her? 

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    I mentioned in a previous reply that gravity is your best friend. Get off that couch and get moving! :) You can dance, walk or rock the baby out. Squats help to open your pelvic outlet.

    Many women have tried spicy foods, sex and walking. Red raspberry leaf tea and EPO are good, too. Castor oil is used among midwives to induce labor; but it's better for them to advise you on how to take it.  

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    Two nights before I was going to be induced, I tried nipple stimulation (I just used my hands) for a good 15-20 minutes.  I woke up at three in the morning in labor.  
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    Pretty much every woman I've known that has been induced has ended up with a c-section, so I'd advise against it. The only exception to this was my cousin, who was having her third baby! If it's your first please try and make your doctor wait longer. I've heard some good results from acupuncture inductions! I'd say do whatever you can to avoid induction, including pushing it back a few days. Trust that your baby will come out when they are ready!
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    Pretty much every woman I've known that has been induced has ended up with a c-section, so I'd advise against it. The only exception to this was my cousin, who was having her third baby! If it's your first please try and make your doctor wait longer. I've heard some good results from acupuncture inductions! I'd say do whatever you can to avoid induction, including pushing it back a few days. Trust that your baby will come out when they are ready!

    I was induced with a baby in my throat, 0cm 0% effaced.....the whole thing only took 5 hours.  My body really took to the induction, NO c-section for me.  I know of lots of successful inductions.

    With DS2, someone told me to try eggplant parm, so the day before my due date I ate it and had him the next day on my due date...so who knows????

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    Try sitting and bouncing on a yoga ball, apparently that will help the baby move down even further. I read somewhere today you can drink "smooth move" tea. its an herbal laxative that is supposed to help.
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    Go out with your girlfriends for a last hurrah and dance your a$$ off! A friend of mine went dancing and came home in early labor! 

    Anything active like walking and sex will help move things. Also, my aunt swears that vacuuming starts labor. She has told 4 friends to try it and they all went into labor within 24 hours. It's worth a shot! :) 


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    Walking and sex is about the safest, I would say.

    Just try to relax. I know that's easier said than done, but when the baby is ready, the baby will come.

    Just curious: why are you being induced so soon after your due date? Not judging, just honestly curious.  My doc with my DD started talking about inducing @ 41 weeks.   I was 40w2d when my DD was born.



    I guess the reason why is because they first of all don't want me to go over 41 weeks, and that was the day the doctor picked.  I wanted to see if I could go later in next week but she wanted me to be in her care.  I have 5 doctors in practice and she wanted to make sure I was with her? 

    In your answer I hear a lot of "the doctor wanted" but keep in mind that this is about YOU. It's the ob's job but it is your LIFE. I would ask why 41 weeks is your cut off? If there is no medical need, I'd decline to be induced or reschedule for a later induction. And for me personally I'd rather plan to be induced with a different ob if it meant I could go later and possible being labor on my own.  Just something to consider before you let someone else decide for you.

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    Walking and sex is about the safest, I would say.

    Just try to relax. I know that's easier said than done, but when the baby is ready, the baby will come.

    Just curious: why are you being induced so soon after your due date? Not judging, just honestly curious.  My doc with my DD started talking about inducing @ 41 weeks.   I was 40w2d when my DD was born.



    I guess the reason why is because they first of all don't want me to go over 41 weeks, and that was the day the doctor picked.  I wanted to see if I could go later in next week but she wanted me to be in her care.  I have 5 doctors in practice and she wanted to make sure I was with her? 

    In your answer I hear a lot of "the doctor wanted" but keep in mind that this is about YOU. It's the ob's job but it is your LIFE. I would ask why 41 weeks is your cut off? If there is no medical need, I'd decline to be induced or reschedule for a later induction. And for me personally I'd rather plan to be induced with a different ob if it meant I could go later and possible being labor on my own.  Just something to consider before you let someone else decide for you.

    I'm sorry, but it irritates me to no end that people on this site keep trying to give medical advice or tell people to ignore the advice of their doctors.  If the Dr thinks that the correct thing to do is induce than she should listen to her Dr, not someone who isn't a Dr and doesn't know her medical history on a message board.  The OB's JOB is to make sure that everything goes safely for her patients and if they think that this is the best thing to do than it shouldn't be dismissed.  I am all for asking questions and understanding why they want to do something, but this isn't some random person making a decision for you.  This is their job, they are the experts, it may be your body and your life, but in most cases, they do know better than you do.  They have been studying for years and have to take continuing education classes.  A few hours on Dr Google is never going to give you more knowledge than them.  They are not doing things just to make their jobs easier, that's medically unethical, there are reasons they make the decisions they do.

    My best friend's father is an OB and I call him with questions and do you know what he says to me, he tells me to listen to my OB because she knows me and my history and is doing things for mine and my baby's well being.

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    Im going to try this if I go past my due date. Sorry dont know how to make it clicky.  

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    Walking and sex is about the safest, I would say.

    Just try to relax. I know that's easier said than done, but when the baby is ready, the baby will come.

    Just curious: why are you being induced so soon after your due date? Not judging, just honestly curious.  My doc with my DD started talking about inducing @ 41 weeks.   I was 40w2d when my DD was born.



    I guess the reason why is because they first of all don't want me to go over 41 weeks, and that was the day the doctor picked.  I wanted to see if I could go later in next week but she wanted me to be in her care.  I have 5 doctors in practice and she wanted to make sure I was with her? 

    In your answer I hear a lot of "the doctor wanted" but keep in mind that this is about YOU. It's the ob's job but it is your LIFE. I would ask why 41 weeks is your cut off? If there is no medical need, I'd decline to be induced or reschedule for a later induction. And for me personally I'd rather plan to be induced with a different ob if it meant I could go later and possible being labor on my own.  Just something to consider before you let someone else decide for you.

    I'm sorry, but it irritates me to no end that people on this site keep trying to give medical advice or tell people to ignore the advice of their doctors.  If the Dr thinks that the correct thing to do is induce than she should listen to her Dr, not someone who isn't a Dr and doesn't know her medical history on a message board.  The OB's JOB is to make sure that everything goes safely for her patients and if they think that this is the best thing to do than it shouldn't be dismissed.  I am all for asking questions and understanding why they want to do something, but this isn't some random person making a decision for you.  This is their job, they are the experts, it may be your body and your life, but in most cases, they do know better than you do.  They have been studying for years and have to take continuing education classes.  A few hours on Dr Google is never going to give you more knowledge than them.  They are not doing things just to make their jobs easier, that's medically unethical, there are reasons they make the decisions they do.

    My best friend's father is an OB and I call him with questions and do you know what he says to me, he tells me to listen to my OB because she knows me and my history and is doing things for mine and my baby's well being.

    I swear Liz, after reading all of your posts the past few weeks, I'd ask you to marry me if you didn't already have a husband. :-)

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    You can also try acupuncture. I know acupuncturist can help get labor going.
    After 2 years of TTC, our daughter was born on Oct 31, 2011!
    7lbs 13oz  20 inches long

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    Walking and sex is about the safest, I would say.

    Just try to relax. I know that's easier said than done, but when the baby is ready, the baby will come.

    Just curious: why are you being induced so soon after your due date? Not judging, just honestly curious.  My doc with my DD started talking about inducing @ 41 weeks.   I was 40w2d when my DD was born.



    I guess the reason why is because they first of all don't want me to go over 41 weeks, and that was the day the doctor picked.  I wanted to see if I could go later in next week but she wanted me to be in her care.  I have 5 doctors in practice and she wanted to make sure I was with her? 

    In your answer I hear a lot of "the doctor wanted" but keep in mind that this is about YOU. It's the ob's job but it is your LIFE. I would ask why 41 weeks is your cut off? If there is no medical need, I'd decline to be induced or reschedule for a later induction. And for me personally I'd rather plan to be induced with a different ob if it meant I could go later and possible being labor on my own.  Just something to consider before you let someone else decide for you.

    I'm sorry, but it irritates me to no end that people on this site keep trying to give medical advice or tell people to ignore the advice of their doctors.  If the Dr thinks that the correct thing to do is induce than she should listen to her Dr, not someone who isn't a Dr and doesn't know her medical history on a message board.  The OB's JOB is to make sure that everything goes safely for her patients and if they think that this is the best thing to do than it shouldn't be dismissed.  I am all for asking questions and understanding why they want to do something, but this isn't some random person making a decision for you.  This is their job, they are the experts, it may be your body and your life, but in most cases, they do know better than you do.  They have been studying for years and have to take continuing education classes.  A few hours on Dr Google is never going to give you more knowledge than them.  They are not doing things just to make their jobs easier, that's medically unethical, there are reasons they make the decisions they do.

    My best friend's father is an OB and I call him with questions and do you know what he says to me, he tells me to listen to my OB because she knows me and my history and is doing things for mine and my baby's well being.

    Yes Yes, thank you.

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    Honestly, sex & eggplant parmesan seem to be the most pleasant measures I've seen. Other than that you can pray and just wait. Walk around a whole bunch make sure your hydrated.

    I know you are anxious to get the party started, but unfortunately we aren't the ones that make the decision. Its all up to LO. Get yourself some good tunes on the ipod and good book! 

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    I have been 3 cm since my EDD.  Things I have tried: spicy food, bouncing on labor ball, sex, pineapple, eggplant, nipple stimulation, squats, walking (2+ miles at a time), as well as other things.  I contracted for 4 hours last night 5 minutes apart and still no more dilation. 

    Bottom line: Your baby will come when it is ready to come. 

    Unless there is a medical reason you are not stating, induction is not necessary so soon after your due date, but that is between you and your doctor.  While I desperately want this baby to arrive, I would rather have it arrive on his/her own terms/timeline than an induction if possible--I have a biophysical profile and non stress test scheduled for tomorrow to make sure baby is happy and healthy inside still.

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    Walking and sex is about the safest, I would say.

    Just try to relax. I know that's easier said than done, but when the baby is ready, the baby will come.

    Just curious: why are you being induced so soon after your due date? Not judging, just honestly curious.  My doc with my DD started talking about inducing @ 41 weeks.   I was 40w2d when my DD was born.



    I guess the reason why is because they first of all don't want me to go over 41 weeks, and that was the day the doctor picked.  I wanted to see if I could go later in next week but she wanted me to be in her care.  I have 5 doctors in practice and she wanted to make sure I was with her? 

    In your answer I hear a lot of "the doctor wanted" but keep in mind that this is about YOU. It's the ob's job but it is your LIFE. I would ask why 41 weeks is your cut off? If there is no medical need, I'd decline to be induced or reschedule for a later induction. And for me personally I'd rather plan to be induced with a different ob if it meant I could go later and possible being labor on my own.  Just something to consider before you let someone else decide for you.

    I'm sorry, but it irritates me to no end that people on this site keep trying to give medical advice or tell people to ignore the advice of their doctors.  If the Dr thinks that the correct thing to do is induce than she should listen to her Dr, not someone who isn't a Dr and doesn't know her medical history on a message board.  The OB's JOB is to make sure that everything goes safely for her patients and if they think that this is the best thing to do than it shouldn't be dismissed.  I am all for asking questions and understanding why they want to do something, but this isn't some random person making a decision for you.  This is their job, they are the experts, it may be your body and your life, but in most cases, they do know better than you do.  They have been studying for years and have to take continuing education classes.  A few hours on Dr Google is never going to give you more knowledge than them.  They are not doing things just to make their jobs easier, that's medically unethical, there are reasons they make the decisions they do.

    My best friend's father is an OB and I call him with questions and do you know what he says to me, he tells me to listen to my OB because she knows me and my history and is doing things for mine and my baby's well being.

    I swear Liz, after reading all of your posts the past few weeks, I'd ask you to marry me if you didn't already have a husband. :-)

    Aw, shucks... now I'm blushing!

    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickersPitaPata Cat tickers


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    Pretty much every woman I've known that has been induced has ended up with a c-section, so I'd advise against it. The only exception to this was my cousin, who was having her third baby! If it's your first please try and make your doctor wait longer. I've heard some good results from acupuncture inductions! I'd say do whatever you can to avoid induction, including pushing it back a few days. Trust that your baby will come out when they are ready!


    I was 2 weeks overdue with my first and was induced. I pushed for 2 hours and out she came. Inductions don't always end with c-sections.

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    i wouldnt recommend the castor oil either. It was VERY difficult to deal with while being in labor.

    My mom walked at the swapmeet or at costco the day before she went into labor for her last five babies. Gravity and pressure on the cervix will definitely help. :)

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    I was 2 weeks overdue with my first and was induced. I pushed for 2 hours and out she came. Inductions don't always end with c-sections.


    I agree! Anyone I have known to get induced (including myself) has had a vaginal birth (my Mother was induced 4 times!) they dont ALWAYS end in C-sections.

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    I've heard that taking stairs two at a time or walking bleachers can substantially speed things up.
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    Go find a corn maze to walk at this time of year.  I did one yesterday, and I think if I were a week or two further along, it would have done the trick, lol.  Can't beat five miles of walking on a bumpy dirt trail :p
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    Walking and sex is about the safest, I would say.

    Just try to relax. I know that's easier said than done, but when the baby is ready, the baby will come.

    Just curious: why are you being induced so soon after your due date? Not judging, just honestly curious.  My doc with my DD started talking about inducing @ 41 weeks.   I was 40w2d when my DD was born.


    I'd like to give you a round of applause for this comment!

    On a side note, DS was induced one week early and was not only perfectly healthy, but delivered vaginally. 



    I guess the reason why is because they first of all don't want me to go over 41 weeks, and that was the day the doctor picked.  I wanted to see if I could go later in next week but she wanted me to be in her care.  I have 5 doctors in practice and she wanted to make sure I was with her? 

    In your answer I hear a lot of "the doctor wanted" but keep in mind that this is about YOU. It's the ob's job but it is your LIFE. I would ask why 41 weeks is your cut off? If there is no medical need, I'd decline to be induced or reschedule for a later induction. And for me personally I'd rather plan to be induced with a different ob if it meant I could go later and possible being labor on my own.  Just something to consider before you let someone else decide for you.

    I'm sorry, but it irritates me to no end that people on this site keep trying to give medical advice or tell people to ignore the advice of their doctors.  If the Dr thinks that the correct thing to do is induce than she should listen to her Dr, not someone who isn't a Dr and doesn't know her medical history on a message board.  The OB's JOB is to make sure that everything goes safely for her patients and if they think that this is the best thing to do than it shouldn't be dismissed.  I am all for asking questions and understanding why they want to do something, but this isn't some random person making a decision for you.  This is their job, they are the experts, it may be your body and your life, but in most cases, they do know better than you do.  They have been studying for years and have to take continuing education classes.  A few hours on Dr Google is never going to give you more knowledge than them.  They are not doing things just to make their jobs easier, that's medically unethical, there are reasons they make the decisions they do.

    My best friend's father is an OB and I call him with questions and do you know what he says to me, he tells me to listen to my OB because she knows me and my history and is doing things for mine and my baby's well being.

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    Theres something my mom toll me a few years ago, is a little bit funny and strange, but if you play with you nipples, you will star feeling contraccions and some time works when ypu are really close to youre due date, just ask you're husband to help you, it works!
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    Walking and sex is about the safest, I would say.

    Just try to relax. I know that's easier said than done, but when the baby is ready, the baby will come.

    Just curious: why are you being induced so soon after your due date? Not judging, just honestly curious.  My doc with my DD started talking about inducing @ 41 weeks.   I was 40w2d when my DD was born.



    I guess the reason why is because they first of all don't want me to go over 41 weeks, and that was the day the doctor picked.  I wanted to see if I could go later in next week but she wanted me to be in her care.  I have 5 doctors in practice and she wanted to make sure I was with her? 

    In your answer I hear a lot of "the doctor wanted" but keep in mind that this is about YOU. It's the ob's job but it is your LIFE. I would ask why 41 weeks is your cut off? If there is no medical need, I'd decline to be induced or reschedule for a later induction. And for me personally I'd rather plan to be induced with a different ob if it meant I could go later and possible being labor on my own.  Just something to consider before you let someone else decide for you.

      They are not doing things just to make their jobs easier, that's medically unethical, there are reasons they make the decisions they do.


    The OB who delivered my DS (and induced me at 41 weeks) induced all overdue women at 41 weeks, even if it wasn't medically necessary. Well, the governing board of Obstetrics in Canada does not allow induction for non-medical reasons before *41w3d (which I know sounds like torture), but those are the rules, and she is now being investigated for her actions. I definitely side-eye any OB willing to induce so early for no real reason. She can trust her doctor if she wants, but they are not infallible. We all know that they are human and do not necessarily make the best choice 100% of the time.

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    I am from a family of doctors and nurses, brother/father/uncle/grandmother... and I can tell you that Dr's and OB's often make decisions based on malpractice policies of the hospital or practice for which they work.  Even if an OB might not personally think you should be induced at this time, there hands are often tied by hospital administration and malpractice lawyers.

    If the reason for induction is anything other than the health and well being of either you or your baby, stay in charge and tell her you want to wait.  In my childbirth class last night, that was the number one thing we were told to ask if any interventions were propsed: is my baby in danger or am I in danger?

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    Acupuncture, Spicy foods, Eggplant, Work out (if you have been exercising and are capable of jogging definitely do that). But mainly acupuncture, it cost around $100... look into it. 

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    Way to pipe in on a completely dead thread.  She's already given birth...this thread was weeks ago.



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