
I just booked Disney! First time taking the kids- sooo excited!

We're going this spring - we'll be getting there the night before Griffin's 5th birthday... so he's going to wake up in Disney on his birthday - I'm sooo excited about that!

We're not going to tell them until a few days before the trip... it's gonna be so hard to keep it a secret- but I know if they find out sooner we'll hear about it all day for the next 6 months! :)

My mom and my 18yo niece are coming, too - so we'll have lots of help - which will actually make it fun, and not just insane :)

Anyone here go with 2yo twins?? Any tips?? :) hehe

I used to be Goldie_locks_5 but the new nest is so screwed up that I was forced to start over.

Re: I just booked Disney! First time taking the kids- sooo excited!

  • Big Smile
    Me: PCOs DH: Perfect!
    4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
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  • No tips...just jealous!  Have fun!
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  • Jealous! I love that it's going to be a surprise. When we are brave enough to take the kids, I'd like to make it a surprise too : ) How cool that Griffin will have his birthday there!
    ~Crystal~ SAHM to Sam (5), Hugh (3), Mary & Grace (22 months) : )
  • I also have no tips since I've never taken my boys but I loooove the idea of surprise Disney trips (even though I know you are telling them a few days before).  I always get all misty eyed at the commercials when the kids wake up and their parents tell them that they are going to Disney that day, I just think it looks like such a fun idea and I really really want to do that for my boys one day.  How cool that your son will get to wake up on his birthday there too, I love that idea!
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  • sounds like fun!
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  • We are taking Emerson the week after Thanksgiving but, leaving the babies with my parents.  We'll take the whole crew in a couple of years when the babies truly, "get it."   Emerson needs this with just my H and I.   We are pumped too.

    Where are you guys staying? 

    ETA-great discussion forum is     You'll find a ton of information there.!


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  • yeah- we waited until this year because we figured Griffin would be 5 and the twins just under 3 (so still free!) but they'll have a blast, too. (they LOVED sesame place this summer).

    and i figure we'll go again in 2 more years when the twins turn 5 - since it's Griffin's birthday I kind of feel like we have to do it for their 5th birthday, too :)

    We're staying at the All Star Music resort - not my first pick- but the only place that still had a family suite +extra room (my mom and 18yo niece are coming, too).... so we went with it - we neeed the suite for our family... and I figured my mom/niece wouldnt' want to be in a room with us (ie- Villa with 2 rooms) b/c they'd want to be able to escape the 3 crazy kids at night :)

    I can't wait! 

    I started a FB disney planning mom's group and a few of them on it are total experts and have been sharing tons of tips - so it's been great. There is WAY too much Disney info out there - it gets so overwhelming - i'm so glad the biggest part of my planning is done now :)

    I used to be Goldie_locks_5 but the new nest is so screwed up that I was forced to start over.
  • That is why I was asking about where you're staying.  Our next trip we will need something along those lines.

    Is your FB planning an open or closed forum?   

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  • imageougrad1:

    That is why I was asking about where you're staying.  Our next trip we will need something along those lines.

    Is your FB planning an open or closed forum?   

    It's a closed group - Browneyegirl added me last night and I can add you when I get home tonight.

    We love Disney - leaving on Friday!


    Me: PCOs DH: Perfect!
    4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • The Multiples and More blog did a very long, detailed post about Disney awhile back.  I bookmarked it for our (hopeful) future visit.  I will try to dig up the link and add it here.  Have fun - I am sure it is going to be tough to keep that secret!

    ETA: here are a few links that seem helpful - they are from 2010 so hopefully the info is not too stale.

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  • Oh how fun! I've never been to Disney World and I told DH when I was PG that I always dreamed of waking up my kids and telling them we were getting on a plane to go! 

    Please report back with notes as equally detailed as your stroller reviews Wink

    Here comes Baby #3! BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • it's a closed group- but you can join- you just have to request.

    it's called "Disney Planning Mamas" on FB


    LOL re: stroller reviews.

    I can already tell you that I'll be bringing my crappy $30 garage sale graco double to Disney! We brought it to Sesame Place this summer and I LOVED not worrying about having it stolen... it didn't bother me AT ALL to have it out of my sight.... but if i had my BJCS with me I would have been a freak about it :)

    I used to be Goldie_locks_5 but the new nest is so screwed up that I was forced to start over.
  • You are going to have soooo much fun!  It was a lot of hard work for the adults but my girls loved it there.

    My random might seem obvious tip would be to bring extra sippy cups with you and pack some for the parks.  I think dining reservations open 180 days in advance - if you are doing any character meals I suggest you book asap. 


  • I found this blog about Disney and liked it a lot. We are not going to go for a few years, but I like to plan way in advance. 

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers 008
  • That's wonderful!  We went with my family when the boys were almost 7 months and it was fun and nice to have the help with them, but they weren't mobile back then either which was easier!

    I'll be looking forward to some suggestions once you get back, we're hoping to go back in a few years with the boys so they can actually enjoy it! :D

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  • Hopefully you can keep it a secret.  We made it all the way to the Orlando airport before we told them (since were taking Disney's Magical Express we figured the game was up).

    I put nametags on the girls that said the "Shh!  I don't know I'm going to see the mouse" so no one let on.  They can't read, but I knew they would know the word Disney.  I told them the tags were to help if they got lost.  We got a lot of smiles, but no one told them what was going on.

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