Hi Ladies! I'm new to the board. I had my daughter in December via urgent c-section for a variety of reasons (FTP, OP, nuchal cord x2). In addition, I had an AROM induction (eventually also had pitocin); however, when they did the c-section, they found my water was actually intact and they had only "nicked the forebag".
I finally got the courage to get my medical records, and I was completely shocked at how grossly inaccurate they are and how much information was left out. I was not surprised that the dr. left out the findings that my waters were intact (because, let's face it, FTP from an AROM induction when the water was never actually broken is totally a lawsuit). But what I could not believe is that the doctor wrote about me in such a negative light! She made it out that I was some horrible patient that did not "trust" her medical knowledge, "did not feel safe" in her hands, "hedged on decisions", "reneged on agreements made prior to labor" (umm, no agreements were made, but even if they were do I not have a medical right to change my mind?), and it just goes on and on! She listed out all the reasons for my c-section, but then said that it was ultimately due to me refusing to continue the induction!! . It even says that in the diagnoses section! She also wrote that she informed me "point blank" that we "had not exhausted all means of achieving a safe vaginal delivery". I am seriously speechless by all of this.
I have spent the last 9 months grieving the loss of a natural, med- and intervention-free, vaginal delivery. I felt forced in to the induction due to the risk involved to my daughter (I have an incredibly large fibroid that was sending me into pre-term labor, was affecting the ability of my uterus to contract down, etc). I also never felt like there was a choice with my "urgent" c-section. I regularly deal with bitterness and resentment surrounding my daughter's birth (I am absolutely working through these issues, though).
Before I left the hospital, I had already decided that any future children would be born via VBAC. I have a supportive H and family. I know that when we TTC, I will be in a great place to attempt the delivery I wanted all along. Reading my medical records now has me worried, though. I am afraid that my future provider (I stopped seeing my previous doctor asap after the delivery) will read my medical records as gospel and not be willing to consider me a VBAC candidate. I am so upset to think that my previous doctor has taken away any good experience with my daughter's birth and may have impacted future births in the same way.
Has anyone else ever dealt with inaccurate or falsified medical records? Is there anything I can do to keep this from becoming an issue with future pregnancies? Thanks for your support.
Re: Falsified medical records? (long vent)
Medical records are the ultimate CYA. They're less about the patient and more about the doctor protecting themselves from lawsuits.
I have never seen mine, and I'm not sure that I want to. I think you should have an open discussion with both your old and new providers. I had a very open discussion with my old provider about my emotion and anger from my C-section. It was actually very healing for me to lay it out calmly and completely. And she was extremely honest with me about the pressures they are under by insurance companies and hospitals. She took me through some of the changes she's seen in her practice and in the field in the past 15 years. Things they regularly did (like induction for VBAC) are now taboo or banned, etc. It really helped me see the dilemmas they are facing on a daily basis. And she said, when it comes down to it, they have to make sure the practice survives. In the end, I'm just more convinced that next time I need to watch my own back.
As for your new provider, I would do the same. I would explain what you're explaining here - with a little less emotion. Maybe have your first meeting with your new provider before transferring your records. That way you can set the stage and explain what happened and explain what you are looking for with your next experience. You should be able to gauge their reaction.
Part of it is in my other records and part is in the operative reports
The operative reports are definitely better than the rest, though... so that is good news. I I thought about reporting her to someone, too... but have no idea how to do that, either.
I was able to meet with a new provider yesterday (without all of my records). I tried to explain some of it, and she said she has worked with that doctor before and completely understood. It seemed like she would be prepared for what she read and would still support my choice of a VBAC in the future. She did set some limitations based on my fibroid, but I felt like the records weren't as big of a deal as I thought they might be. I'm not sure I could face my old OB any time soon... that would be something that would have to come in the future... lol.
Thank you for your support. I think I've gotten over the initial shock of what I read, but it still sucks to think about. I saw a provider yesterday that really put me at ease with it. I'm still shopping around for a new doctor (I want to see a few others before deciding), but it was nice to see that she accepted my POV. Oh, and no ICAN anywhere near me
I also had falsified medical records, due to the anesthesiologist not placing my spinal properly, I was cut open, not numb, and had to have g/a. My records have me as being awake and alert an hour before they stop the meds that were keeping me awake (from what they tell my family, and I wasn't awake yet). It doesn't mention my spinal. and a bunch of other stuff. I fought the charges and threatened a lawyer, they did make it so I don't have to pay for the anesthesia services, although as they put it, it was in my best interest. So trauma and being cut open while i could feel it, wasn't avoidable?
I cried on and off for days after reading my records.
I have no issue with my ob, he was clearly unhappy about my needing a csection, baby was breech, and on the small side, so vaginal wasn't really an option, and the hospital doesn't allow it. He was also clearly upset and bothered by cutting open someone with out anesthesia. I got advice from my cousin who works for the hospital, he said when I get pregnant, I can sign papers saying I refuse medical attention from the anesthesiologist, and the nurses I had issues with (that's another story)
But, if I were in your situation and needed another dr. I would not worry about they reading the old records, they are clearly a dr. defending it's actions. I switched to my ob at about 10 weeks, due to some issues with my original ob. THey didn't tell me until about 2.5 weeks after getting blood work that my progesterone was low (I had to ask) and i was put on meds immediately. He really listened to my concerns and issues with the other practice. My point is, if the new ob is a good fit, they will listen and understand your concerns, not just listen to the other dr.
Good luck!
I also had a fibroid. My doctor told me I needed a c/s because of the fibroid. Everything was going good with labor and I dilated from 3cm-compleat within 3hrs I pushed 5+hrs cause baby was not coming down far enough. My doctor told me she didn't want me to do a trial of labor with the next and I would need a c-section. VBAC banned there. I want to have or at least try a VBAC with our next. I had to switch doctors, I saw my new doctor last week ,due to our new insurance. I am thinking it was a blessing in disguise, VBAC friendly hospital (thank god). I mentioned the fibroid issue to my new doctor and she said that she doubts my fibroid caused me to need a c/s. My baby was 8lbs 11oz 20in long I am small . My new doctor said it was likely I had a c/s cause baby was to big for me....
#1 How did you get your medical records to look at???? I would love to see mine.
#2 How big was your fibroid??? Mine was 5cm
Hopefully you won't have any problems trying for your VBAC! I got my medical records by going to my hospital website, printing the forms that I needed, and then mailing them in. They called a few days later and had them ready for me to pick up. My fibroid was12cm before pregnancy and grew to over 20cm before I delivered... it is a beast.