Heart-shaped ute vbac success?

I have an oddly shaped uterus and dr. said today it might (or might not) impact delivery....I really want to VBAC and am trying to stay hopeful that it CAN happen.

Anyone w/ a heart-shaped or oddly shaped uterus VBAC successfully?


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Re: Heart-shaped ute vbac success?

  • I'm in the same boat.  Although my doctor didn't say anything about it impactin delivery.  (Other than we have high odds of a breech LO)  I asked basicly the same thing a couple weeks ago and got no answers.

    ETA: Was your first one breech?

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  • My twins were both vertex going into my induction but about 8.5 hours in, baby B repositioned (transverse) and blocked off A from further descending--hence the c/s with my first pg.
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  • I have this too and one of the nurses I spoke with recently said that breech babies are very common with a heart-shaped ute, and that they can flip at the last minute.  My 1st was breeched, that's why I had the c-section.
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