Wednesday when I went to the dr. I was dilated to a 4, so I was thinking the baby was going to come Sunday. Saturday I didn't have hardly any contractions during the day. Lost my mucus plug about 3:30 went to lay down. Contractions started right at 4:00 and they were 5 minutes apart until 4:30. At 4:45 they really started coming. Called my doctor and by the time they called me back the contractions were less than 3 minutes apart. Left the house at 5:20 (after my Mom showed up). Got to the hospital around 6:00. A nurse checked me in a small check-in room and I was already at a 10.
They rushed me in a delivery room, hooked up the IV and told me to push. I was having trouble pushing, and they said her heart was dropping and we might need a c-section. I was not going to give up wiuth out a fight. They ended up using a vacuum (which was very painful btw) and I pushed with all I had for only 5 minutes. I have a second degree tear. I am happy I got to do the VBAC and I am shocked I did it all with no pain meds, which was not my plan, but when you show up at the hospital at a 10 you don't have much of a choice. I cannot believe how fast it went. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Re: Had a VBAC Saturday kind of long