Two Under 2

need advice on evening/dinner routine

DH is traveling this week and I'm all alone with DD1 (almost 2) and DD2 (2 months).  I'm at a loss as how to get through dinner time/bedtime without both girls in tears.  DD1 eats dinner around 5:30/5:45 and goes to bed around 7pm.  DD2 also needs to eat during that time period and be rocked to sleep for a nap. She usually only naps for about 40 minutes during that time period.   The biggest challenge is that DD1 does not want to cooperate at night, she doesn't want to get ready for bed and throws crying tantrums that make it impossible to get her ready for bed. 

How do you handle it?  Any tips that make it easier? 

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Re: need advice on evening/dinner routine

  • Ok, I obviously have no clue as my #2 isn't here yet but DD likes to have a fit when getting ready for bed too and it has helped to sit in her room and let her play and get one piece of clothing on her at a time as she runs crazy. She doesn't seem to notice that way. Maybe you can sit in her room and rock or nurse the baby while she plays before bed? I know that's not much help, just throwing it out there.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Does your oldest not self feed? Dinner time I never found difficult alone. DS has leftovers from the previous night for dinner, so all I have to do is warm up his food. I'd sit at the dinner table next to him while he fed himself and I fed the baby a bottle.

    Bedtime is a bit more challenging if both of your kids are tricky to put down. I'd honestly probably wait until the baby is asleep for the night before putting your oldest down for bed. Then at least you'd have undivided attention to get through her bedrime routine. Plus, I notice its a heck of a lot easier to get my almost 2 year old to bed at 8 as opposed to 7, and he sleeps later in the morning.

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  • My biggest challenge with dinner is making sure that the kids aren't eating too late.  They both feed themselves and the toddler can be SLOW.  I need them to start eating, no later than 6.  The crockpot is great, if DH isn't going to be home to help in the evening.  I put the baby to sleep first and while I'm doing that DD1 is watching Sprout or a movie (I save her TV time for when I need to get something done).  Once the baby's asleep, then I can give DD1 undivided attention.  We play in her room, sing songs, read a book, and get ready for bed. 

    Does your youngest like the swing or bouncer?  When DD2 was really little, I'd put her in the swing or bring the bouncer into DD1's room and she would "hang out" with us, while I got DD1 ready for bed.

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