DH and I are becoming a little more thrifty/frugal/stingy? Lately to accommodate my staying home and also just because prices are getting crazy.
I have found several recipes for DIY detergent but I'm afraid of the diaper washing. I was wondering if any of you made your own and used it (successfully) on your own dipes.
Re: Anyone make their own laundry detergent?
I use the CD detergent from the eco friendly family. It's 1 cup washing soda, 1 cup borax, and 1/2 cup oxyclean. The directions say to use 1 tbsp per load, but I use 1.5-2 tbsp. I also use Calgon b/c of my hard water. I like it.
I'm using the EFF recipe right now; I haven't decided if I like it yet. Honestly, I don't think anyone should really say yes or no on a detergent until it's been in use for a month. It seems to be working, but I think most problems take some time to show up.
I'm also using 2 Tbsp per load.
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we do this as well..works great! for stripping we use their baking soda/vineger(base/acid) as well
I have made my own laundry (not CD) detergent for years. I'm skeptical to try the EFF CD detergent b/c Eco Sprout works so well right now.
My regular laundry recipe is:
2 cups borax
2 cups washing soda
1/2 cup OxyClean
1 bar fels naptha (grated)
1 bar ivory (grated)
I use 2 T per load.
love is for every her, love is for every him, love is for everyone
Ditto this. I've been using it for about 6months.I have a front loader so I use 1TBSP and have no issues.
I use a different homemade detergent for our clothes.
Is this a dry recipe? I've been wanting to make a dry one, but wonder how using the grated fels naptha soap works. The only time I've used it is in a liquid recipe where you have to melt the shavings in a pot, etc.