So i have decided to give cloth a go with this baby and thankfully my mom has agreed to help me. the main reason is quite simple, the cost of disposables it crazy and i really want to save money!
I want to know what is the cheapest type and brand in your opinion, i think i like the prefolds the best as they seem the cheapest
Re: new and wanting some advice
The cheapest way to cloth diaper is definitely flats or prefolds and covers.
As for cheap brands, besides prefolds, there are cheap ebay diapers like Alva. Or Kawaii.
But you won't know what kind of diaper works for your baby until you try it, so even if you find a cheap brand, I wouldn't suggest buying a huge stash of only that brand and assuming it will work perfectly for your baby.
I completely agree. As LO has gotten older, I've found that fitteds work better for us. I can use a prefold with an infant size one stuffed in it for naps, but it's soaked by the time she's up. Fitteds have been our only night time solution. I'm also a fan of Bum Genius 4.0s.