Hubby and I went to a football party earlier today and of course, all of the ladies there were asking all sorts of twin questions. I normally deal just fine but I was getting irritated. Then a woman offered her advice "I delivered my three singletons at 28, 26, and 24 weeks. They all turned out fine, don't listen to your doctor when he tries to scare you. All of those meds they want you to take will hurt your babies. Like I said, mine came early and are all fine now." I wanted to punch her in the face! It was all I could do to keep my mouth shut! Are people seriously that stupid???? I just smiled and said that I hoped she realized how lucky she was to have her children alive and healthy.
alicia & joseph, married 9/4/10
expecting twins 2/9/2012
two beautiful daughters from prior marriage, ages 7 & 4
one angel baby boy in heaven
Re: Just a vent ladies....
I agree with KLR. Dang.
perhaps she has forgotten and it was 34 weeks, etc.... 24 weekers are NOT healthy children - any mom that has a 24 weeker who actually survives would NOT say what she said.
She is either full of sh!t or she said the wrong numbers and meant in the 30s.... 24 weeks is JUST the first week of "viability" meaning that they WILL try to save the life of a baby at 24 weeks.... but very many of them die, and if not, they spend many months in the NICU fighting for life.
born at 23 weeks, they generally do not try to save the life of the baby.
So- she's completely wrong- in one way or another. With all the preemie babies I have known who have passed - i would have had to smack her upside the head. That just p!sses me off.
Totally agree. That biotch be crazy!
I am sorry you got such shitty advice, I am surprised that you were able to be so polite. I would not have been.
That being said, I worked in the NICU and I do know that typically babies born that early do not do well but it does happen. I have a friend who had a 26 weeker and she is now almost 6. She is truly fine. She has asthma but that could be due to the prematurity or the fact that it runs in her family. Yes, she spent months in the NICU, yes we feared we would lose her early, but she is fine. It does happem but it's rare.
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
This. I know babies that didn't make it at 26 weeks. I know I too have messed up at first and answered 26 weeks rather than 36 when asked when I delivered and I quickly corrected myself. She has to be mistaken....
She would have really flipped out if she talked to me about it, since I was on Magnesium Sulfate IV for the entire ten weeks when I was in the hospital! I am not sure I would have been able to be nice after that conversation!
Those drugs saved my babies since I was only 22 weeks. Being told they wouldn't do anything to save your babies if they were born that early is something that haunts me all the time.