Still in preschool and we are happy with the school and his transition to the older preschool classroom. I don't have anything specific. I will just ask about how he's doing socially, following directions, and if he's on track with academic skills (Im pretty sure I already know the answers based on daily communication).
our conferences is not until late Nov. Right now whats on mind is her low muscle tone/fine motor skills. She is doing fine & is really excited about learning. She's a sponge right now & I love hearing her tell me what she's learned.
I am also a bit concerned with her femoral anteversion affecting her gym class. I know its too early for me to really talk to the gym teacher however her gym teacher is Britt's HS track coach. So I might send him a quick email asking him if he could just keep an eye out for it & his opinion.
Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06
If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant
My favorite verse!
Re: What's on your mind for parent/teacher conferences?
our conferences is not until late Nov. Right now whats on mind is her low muscle tone/fine motor skills. She is doing fine & is really excited about learning. She's a sponge right now & I love hearing her tell me what she's learned.
I am also a bit concerned with her femoral anteversion affecting her gym class. I know its too early for me to really talk to the gym teacher however her gym teacher is Britt's HS track coach. So I might send him a quick email asking him if he could just keep an eye out for it & his opinion.