Windows are open.
And I just yelled at my son.
Sitting at his small table, kicking it, after being told not to, and he kicked the thing over (with his milk and pizza on it.)
I am DONE WITH THIS KID right now.
I love him, but I am done.
4 is going to break me.
Re: CPS might show up at my door.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Even at parent teacher conferences she asked me if he was as energetic at home as he was at school.
I told her that I fear it is much worse at home than at school.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Why oh why oh why
and how oh how oh how does one deal with the attitude??
Times outs are just not effective.
Do not even blow a sticker chart suggestion up my ass, because those do not work either.
Neither does taking away anything.
Sadly, the only thing that worked was H giving him the spanking of his life when we were in Ohio. He had been absolutely horrible. The attitude, the talking back had made me cry twice that day. He's had bad moments since then, but not nearly as bad.
I cannot stand the back talk. It makes me stabby.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
Was it my shining moment as a parent?
Was it effective (for 24 hours)?
Been there. I would tell you how I handle it, but eh... that would get me judged.
Just know you are not alone. In the flicking, either.
Is threatening to spank worse than actually spanking?
For the record--- I don't believe in spanking for running out in the street, etc. I believe in it for attitude towards their parents!
Pretty sure that is really only been the timeS I have spanked him.
I hate 4. HATE. I lost my sh!t the other day when, on top of the snotty back talk, my child took the remote, turned off my football game and said "If I can't want cartoons, you can't watch football"
I'm pretty sure smoke was coming out of my ears.
Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
DD 1/29/07 -
StepMom to P, Mama to R and E.
SAHM and weekend NICU nurse
Eh, today must be crazy mommy day. I was in the McDonald's parking lot with my 20 months old (yes, I gave my 20 mo chicken nuggets for dinner) and nearly lost my sh!t. with his fussing/screaming/crying/whining.
As I was putting my 3 month old back in the car seat, across the way this lady is screaming at her older kid to stop whining. That soul-deep, if you don't stop whining I am going to kill you and damn the consequences screaming. Pre-kid, I would have judged. Today, I just thought - glad it's not me.
Ok so even though I'm a little late I'm glad I'm not the only one. I sent my 18 month old (just yesterday turned 18mos.) to her room twice. She was being completely obnoxious, she wouldn't let her brother sleep (she put a crayon in his mouth, covered him with coloring books, and dumped a tin can of crayons on him) and that was in a span of 5 mins., and she was screaming everytime I got on the phone
I hate their dad on days like these!!!
Holy cr*p maybe that could have been me. Except we were at Sonic. The whining and fighting lately has been at insane levels. I think I might just get myself some earplugs.
You are all terrifying me. I will have a 4 year old at the same time I will have a 2 1/2- 3 year old.
Maybe I could just drop them off at my mom's house for a year or two.
We'v all been there!!!! My mom always tries to remind me that it's good for my kids to hear that I'm upset and I'm only human.....I would never judge another parent for hearing them yell!!!
And I know you were joking, but FWIW, I used to work for CPS, I did investigations and we would LAUGH if someone called in about someone else yelling at their kids!!!!
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
I wish I had never read this post. Seriously. DD is almost 3, and I was really looking forward to her calming down, and she isn't really taht bad of a kid. Don't know what I'm going to do in a year when I have a 4yr & 2 yr old.