
6 month check up (edit)

All and all the boys' appt went well yesterday.  Both boys received their vaccines.  H is on a delayed scheduled due to his small size, but JS is right on track.  In addition they both got their first flu shot.  I didn't know it was a two-shot dose for infants?

I talked with our pedi about Synagis and she said they are still fighting the insurance company since they denied JS getting the shot.  She's getting H's pulmonologist to submit a letter as well.  Fingers crossed!

6 month stats:

JS - 13lb14 oz, 23.75 in long (2lb10oz, 13 in at birth)

H - 8lb4oz, 20.75 in long (1lb7oz, 11.5 in at birth)


Since his last weigh in, H is averaging a gain of 1/2 ounce a day.  Still less than what they would like, but our pedi said she'd take it since he's been re-admitted to the hospital and his BPD.  Yesterday was the first time since being released from the NICU that an appt didn't involve a discussion about a GI tube.  Yay! 


ETA - There's 3/4 inch difference in their head circ.  JS is almost double H's size, but their heads are about the same.  I hope it's because they both have big brains Smile 

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Re: 6 month check up (edit)

  • Glad you got pretty good news.  It sounds like H is truckin' along at his own pace.  Fingers crossed for the synagis approval! 
    Born at 31w3d due to severe IUGR & Placental Insufficiency--2lbs 3ounces

    We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

  • Sounds like a pretty great appointment!  Fingers crossed for you with the Synagis approval for JS,  I hope it works out.
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  • Sounds like a good checkup all around!  I hope the insurance company comes through on the Synagis shots for H.

    And thrilled that there was no discussion of a GI tube. 

  • I saw this on my phone earlier and it made me really happy! Congrats on a great appointment! I'm so glad H is gaining (even if he is a little slow) and may get to avoid the g-tube! And I'm really hoping that JS gets his shot-I can't believe how big he is (a whole pound more than C was at her 6 months!).

    AND it sounds like you got through the whole appointment just you and the babies without incident so congrats on that as well!

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