I had my 35w appt today and all looked good with my fluid (AFI) check and my NST. She kept moving all over and swimming away from the monitors, then she had at least a 5-minute straight hiccuping marathon that caused her to not be picked up on the monitors... it was so cute though! lol My OB did my GBS screening and my first internal which showed no progress.
Baby is still breech and had fallen into IUGR category over the past few weeks. She was measuring at 6% at my last growth scan and has been 3-4 weeks behind on her head, abdomen, and femur measurements. Today her head was measuring even smaller at 5 weeks behind. They estimated her weight to be 3lb 15oz. Due to the IUGR and her still being breech, I got set up today for a c-section in two weeks on 10/7/11 when I'll be 37w exactly!!! I can't believe I'm only 2 weeks away from meeting my little girl (or less, if something looks more concerning at my MFM/OB appts next week).
If she flips head-down, they said they will let me attempt an induction and vaginal delivery but it would still be at 37w and they said more than likely it would be a long process which would fail and lead to a c-section anyway, or if she shows signs of distress which is common with smaller babies then I'd have a c-section then too.
I have so much still to do! It's going to be a hectic two weeks,
that's for sure!
Re: XP from PAIF: 35w appt and baby's got a birthday!