Hawaii Babies

Checking car seat?

We are traveling with R back to Denver in a couple weeks and I'm planning to just check his car seat and bring an umbrella stroller with us (checking at the gate).

Are there travel bags out there for Peg Perego to check it in or do I just walk up to the counter and just hand it to them?  Also, has anyone checked their Pack n Play?

I would rather not have R sleep with us while we are traveling (mainly because I don't want him to get used to it and then have to transition him back to the crib when we get home).

I've tried to Google it, but nothing comes up other than a bag that's about $50 and I really don't want to spend that much for something I will only use a couple times.  Any cheaper recs?

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| Olowalu, Maui ~ August 6, 2008 |
| Family of 4 ~ April 2, 2011 |
| Family of 5 - October 24, 2012 |

Re: Checking car seat?

  • you can try this bag, which is a little bit cheaper at $37.... I've seen it go lower on amazon at around $25-30 but it does have free 365 day return shipping.... so theoretically speaking if you found a lower price later on (and it was worth the hassle to you), you could buy a new one at the lower price and return it w/the old invoice

    I do see them on CL from time to time but most people want $30 in my area for it.

    we've only checked our car seat once and we didn't use a bag or anything.  it got one little scuff on it but it wasn't too bad.

  • Some airlines have plastic bags for the car seats.  We've always just used that for checking it.  You could just look for a huge garbage bag.
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  • imagesanae78:
    Some airlines have plastic bags for the car seats.  We've always just used that for checking it.  You could just look for a huge garbage bag.

    I might do this (just bring it in a big black garbage bag).  Didn't even think about doing something as simple as that Stick out tongue

    Thanks Jaime!  I actually put this bag in my wish list so I can keep my eye on the price.  If it goes down in price I will snatch it up just because I like how it has the padding, less risk of getting dinged up.  And you can always use it for your convertible seat as well.  Big Smile

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    | Olowalu, Maui ~ August 6, 2008 |
    | Family of 4 ~ April 2, 2011 |
    | Family of 5 - October 24, 2012 |
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