Do you go by your full name or a nickname? Has it always been that way?
Just curious. Arabella is the only one that can go by a shortened name. I refer to her as Bella (like on here or talking about her sometimes) but I call her Arabella. Most people call her Bella or Belle. My FIL adores her name and has never called her anything but Arabella. I'd like her to start school going by Arabella and let her decide what to go by later.
My brother and sister didn't go by their shortened names until later in elementary school.
I have a FB friend who recently switched from his nickname to his full name, 25 years after going by the nickname. He felt it was too childish.
Anyway, just curious.
Re: If you have a name that can be shortened to a nickname...
My name is Rebekah. DH is the only one to call me Rebekah. Everyone else calls me Bekah.
My mom hated Becky, so she made it known that nickname was off the table.
My friends and family call me Ash, but I don't refer to myself that way and it isn't common for people just meeting me to call me that.
Cecelia's name came out of loving Cece- but after she was born she was such a Cecelia that Ed and I never call her that. Really no-one does! It is up to her thought whether or not she likes that as a nn as an adult.
I've never shortened anyone with your name with the nn- I think of the nn you're referring to as it's own name. Interesting!
Not me, but Ella. We hardly ever call her Ella, we (as well as family, friends, etc) call her Ellie. She went to school being called Ella and as far as I know, that is what everyone calls her.
Drew is a different story. His real name is Drew. Not Andrew. But EVERYWHERE people constantly call him Andrew. Then I get the "Oh, really? But Drew is short for Andrew! His name isn't Andrew?" Um, no. It's just Drew.
{Ava 5.16.06} {Ella 12.29.07} {Drew 2.9.10}
Both. Growing up, family and close friends used my nickname, Ali. Teachers and school friends knew me as Alexis.
Nowadays, there's an equal amount that use the name and the nickname. DH calls me Ali, so people I meet through him use the nickname. But I introduce myself as Alexis, so people I meet on my own use the full name.
When I'm leaving a voicemail or signing a card, I have to think for a minute about which name that person knows me by.
My name is Larissa and that's mostly what I use. Very good friends and my cousins can call me Lari.
My kids both have names that have nicknames, but we use the full names. They have the option of the nn when they get older.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
I go by Emilie unless it's a close friend or family member who chooses to call me Em or Emmie. My parents have never used a nickname for me.
My DD is Elizabeth and her nickname is Ellie. We call her both fairly equally. Our families call her Ellie almost exclusively. She is in 1st grade and has always gone by Elizabeth at school (her choice).
My DS is Charles and goes by Charlie. Everyone calls him Charlie
My boys have names that can be shortened. DS1 goes by his full name. When we found out that there was another Nathan in his Prek3 class, I asked him if he wanted to go by Nate. He did not. No one calls him Nate (except my grandparents every once in a blue moon).
DS2 is Jacob and we often shorten his name to Jake or Jake-Jake. He answers or looks at you for all three possiblities who knows what he likes best.
Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
I do NOT want him going by the shortened version right now. He can choose to do so later, but I like the full name.
He is very insistent on his name if you call him the wrong thing.
Wait, do I have poor reading comprehension. What IS your name?!
She didn't mention it- I didn't think about it being confusing because I know happy_momma's name, sorry!
And R9, I would disagree that you have a name that can't be shortened- my mom has the same name and (even though I hate it) so many people call her Rob!
Yes, my name can be shorted to 2 common nicknames. People often ask which I prefer and I truthfully tell them that I don't even hear the difference.
DS1 we shorten to a nickname (and expect that as he grows he will change it again) but DS2 is called by his actual name.
My name can be shortened (Amanda to Mandy), but I have never gone by a nickname, and my parents saw to that when I was a child. I am glad for that now, but always thought it was super cute when I was a kid.
My DH does go by a nickname, has since birth, and prefers that to his full name. We occasionally refer to my youngest DS by his shortened name (Ollie), but I really prefer that other people NOT call him that. My older DS doesn't have a name that shortens well.
ETA: DH's nickname is not a commonly used one, so if anyone ever calls him by the more common nickname, it's obviously someone that doesn't know him well.
I am usually called my full name although people do abbreviate it.
Generally I think it's stupid to put one name on the birth cert and call the child a different name. But I REALLY wanted my baby to be named Kate and my husband maintained it wasn't a real name and so I said whatever and we named her Katherine.
So, I still think it's stupid but I did it anyway.
I'm backwards because my name is Ginny and IT''S NOT SHORT FOR VIRGINIA!!! I had a client once who assumed that and introduced me to someone as Virginia. I almost fell over.
I get Gin'd a lot. I'm ok with it, as long as I'm close to the person.
My son is Thomas and we started calling him Tommy and he actually prefers it. I'm sure he won't when he's 25, but we'll see.
DD is Mia. She was almost Amelia and we were going to call her Mia for short, but then we decided just to name her that name and reduce the confusion.
My name doesn't really have a nickname. I had several nicknames, but none based on my name.
My kids all go by nicknames - Ben, Nat, Eli, Gabi. Originally I only wanted Ben to be Benjamin, but it just didn't happen. Then I thought Natalie would never get shortened, and I was worried about the whole Nat = gnat stuff. And that didn't work, either. For E & G, we basically picked their names because we like the nickname. lol!
Prior to Kindy, Ben (who went by 'Ben' in K4) told me that he wanted to be Benjamin. So, he is. The teacher calls him Benjamin, and he writes that on his papers.
Mine are Evan, Bennett, and Thomas. They all have pet names that we use, but they're not technically nicknames. We call my youngest "T" or "T-bird", but we'd never shorten it to Tom or Tommy. We sometimes call Bennett "Benzilla", but we'd never introduce him to anyone like that. One of the reasons we chose Bennett over Benjamin was that I thought Ben was too short, but Benjamin is long enough that we'd be tempted to shorten it.
We have a one syllable last name, so that affects my view of nicknames, since I didn't want to combine a one syllable first name with a one syllable last name.
I used to go by my full name, then shortened. Now, I just use the full name professionally, nn socially.
DH and I were careful to pick names for the kids that didn't have obvious nn. We wanted their name to be their name.
Mine has a couple abbreviations and only a few people have ever called me by the full version. I went through a brief stint in elementary school where I asked to be called by my full name, but otherwise, I've gone by the NN since birth. When I got married, I shortened it even further because I thought the other NN sounded weird with my married name.
Two of my kids have names that can be shortened and I call them by both. DS1 has learned to write the short version, but we're working on the long version. Both have pretty long names. Our third DC's can't be shortened and I kind-of like that better. I get tired of people asking what we call our other two since we usually just all them by their full names and it feels invasive when strangers want to have a NN for them.
My close friends call me Jo. My older sister calls me Jod. Goose (here) calls me Jodes (which I get IRL sometimes too).
SO yes, even a 4 letter name can be shortened/changed!
Joey is exclusively Joey, even though his formal name is Joseph. Joe was called Joey pretty much his whole life, until Joey was born. He defaulted to Joe at that point. LOL
Cameron - I 99% of the time call her Cam. My mom, MIL, SIL, sister, Joe's gram - they all call her Cami (which I'm not a huge fan of but eh, whatever). I intended on calling her CJ (her middle name is Joelle) but we never have. That might change when she gets older but for now, it's Cam.
In school, Joey is Joey and Cameron is Cameron. Joey signs all his homework with Joey, Cam uses her full name.
My name is April, which one would think can't be shortened. Several people have called me Ap (as in Planet of the) which is just gross to me.
DH and DS both go by nicknames. My sister's name is very common, but since there were so many girls with the same name in her 5th grade class, her teacher began calling her by the first syllable of our last name. She still goes by that NN today, even professionally.
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