Would you ever consider fudging the date of your LMP to increase your chance of VBAC?
I recently just found out I am pregnant with #2 . Because I charted, I know I O'ed on CD19. Considering the late ovulation would allow me a few extra days to attempt a VBAC. The doc already told me at my annual that she would only let me go to 41 weeks.
Re: LMP dates?
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
This is not really true. They have a range. As long as you're within a week of their range, they won't change your EDD.
OP - I plan to give a false date by about 4-6 days. I know I ovulate on or around day 18, so it's not a big stretch. I want to give myself every chance to VBAC, since I had a c/s at 42wks1dy with DD.
If you give them a LMP date that is more than two weeks off from the ultrasound they will use the date from the ultrasound.
If you know your O date, yes I think that is fine.
But hopefully you will have a practitioner that you don't have to lie to. My LMP was a little off from my O date (I O'd on CD 16) and I told my doctor that according to my chart, my EDD should be 2 days later. And it was never an issue.
with both my pregnancies they changed my due date by 2 or 3 days to line up with the ultrasound.
For those saying to skip the dating ultrasound- the ultrasound will confirm HER dates, as baby starts developing from conception, not LMP. I'm thinking it won't be necessary to lie about LMP. For both my pregnancies, they "assigned" me a new LMP date to line up more accurately with what the ultrasound showed.
OP: just be honest. Tell your doc you chart and know the date of conception.
I would. I told my doc the actual date of my LMP, but the baby was measuring smaller than that. They said it's just a few days so the due date won't change, but I insisted they change my due date so I wouldn't run into issues of going past 40 weeks.
Especially if you know your ovulation dates, do what is going to be best/easiest for you.
But if an u/s is within 5 days of an LMP-based due date, it doesn't need to be changed. With later u/s, I think if it's within 10-14 days of EDD, it's also not changed.
Early dating u/s might be a common thing, but they aren't totally necessary, especially if the woman knows when she got pregnant. And lots of providers don't understand/care if a woman charts, they still go off of LMP.
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
2 or 3 days is within the margin of error for a dating u/s so changing a due date based on that is a little silly IMO. Nothing can tell you how far along you are to the exact day. Even ovulation charting is +/- 1 day.
ETA Not including IF treatments here